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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

Alnobi، O. A. A.، Alshri، O. M. Z.، و Ahmed، M. M. A. M. (2020). Using the Requirements of Teaching and Learning Standards to Achieve the Standards of the Education Evaluation Commission in KSA: An Application on the Academic Programs in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences In Najran University. مجلة كلية التربية بالمنصورة، ع112, ج1 ، 2 - 36. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1217632

MLA إسلوب

Alnobi، Osman Abdullah Altyb، Osama Muhammed Zafir Alshri، و Mamdouh M. Abdel Maksoud Ahmed. "Using the Requirements of Teaching and Learning Standards to Achieve the Standards of the Education Evaluation Commission in KSA: An Application On the Academic Programs in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences In Najran University." مجلة كلية التربية بالمنصورة ع112, ج1 (2020): 2 - 36. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1217632

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