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ما ورد في السنة من آداب الزفاف و الدخول و الوقاع : جمعا و دراسة

المصدر: مجلة العلوم الشرعية
الناشر: جامعة القصيم
المؤلف الرئيسي: اللحيدان، عبدالله بن حمد (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Al-Luhaidan, Abdullah bin Hamad
المجلد/العدد: مج 2, ع 2
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: السعودية
التاريخ الميلادي: 2009
التاريخ الهجري: 1430
الشهر: يوليو / رجب
الصفحات: 307 - 356
ISSN: 1658-4066
رقم MD: 122511
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: الحمد لله الذي جعل من أنفسنا أزواجا لنسكن إليهن وجعل بيننا مودة ورحمة ، و أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين. أما بعد: فهذا بحث بعنوان "ما ورد في السنة من آداب الزفاف والدخول و الوقاع ." كان الباعث على اختيار هذا البحث هو ما يصور من أن الإسلام يدعو إلى التبتل والتبذل ، يدعو إلى الترهبن وعدم الاستمتاع بملذات الحياة ، يحذر من الفرح والمرح و إدخال السرور على الآخرين. وهذه حقيقة مرة يتهم بها أهل الصلاح والتقى والمحافظين على تطبيق تعاليم الإسلام ، والحقيقة التي لا مراء فيها أن هؤلاء يجهلون ما يدعو إليه الإسلام من السعي لإسعاد البشرية و الدعوة إلى التلذذ بملذات الحياة ، لكن حسب نظم وقواعد أوجدها وحددها. فالإسلام لا يمنع المرح والفرح والابتهاج مادام أن المتلذذ متقيد بقيود الشرع ونظم الدين ، وإن مما نظمه الشرع وقعد آدابه الزفاف والدخول والوقاع . " فالزفاف هو الخطوة الأولى في بناء الأسرة ، حيث يلتقي العروسان على كتاب الله وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليبدآ ، حياتهما على الألفة والمودة والرحمة . يليه الدخول والوقاع . والذي هو جزء من الغاية المرادة في النكاح ، لذلك كله فإن حفل الزفاف وليلة العرس والدخول والوقاع يجب أن تظلها آداب الإسلام وتضبطها أحكامه وتعاليمه. وقد حاولت من خلال هذا البحث أن أجمع الأحاديث الواردة في الموضوع مع دراستها دراسة حديثية ومن ثم تخريجها والحكم عليها ، ثم شرح الأحاديث الواردة ، مركزا في شرحها على كتب الأئمة العلماء لما لها من التميز والاختصار ووضوح العبارة و سلاستها.

The reason beyond choosing this topic is the image of Islam which is thought to be a religion of celibacy, novitiate and naught of enjoyment of the pleasures of life. It is also thought to be a religion which warns people from delectation and happiness . It is harsh to think of Islam in that manner, and to accuse those who practice the teachings of Islam. There is no doubt that such accusers do not have enough knowledge about the real message of Islam which endeavors to bring happiness to humanity, and to call people to enjoy the pleasures of life, but according to principles and approaches of Islam . Islam does not forbid delectation or happiness if the person follows the restrictions of the Islamic legislation and its systems, and part of what Islam legislates and systemizes is "marriage, entrance to the bride and coitus. " Marriage is the first step towards constructing a family, where the two spouses meet upon the teachings of Islam and the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him. They begin their lives based on love, compassion and mercy, then the entrance to the bride and coitus which are parts of the purpose of marriage. Therefore, the celebration of the wedding, the entrance to the bride and the coitus must remain under the manners, disciplines and teachings of Islam . I have tried through this research to collect the Hadiths which discuss this topic, by studying and analyzing them based on the principles of studying Hadith and then extracting the results. Afterwards, I explain the mentioned Hadiths concentrating on the works of Islamic religious scholars which are distinguishable, abbreviated, clear and fluent. I went through this research based on following plan: The research consists of an introduction where I mentioned the reason beyond choosing this topic and its importance, and two aspect of research: The first aspect: I stated the definitions of the linguistic terminologies of marriage, entrance to the bride and coitus . The second aspect: It has three requisites: In the first request, I collected the Hadiths which permit what people can do during the night of wedding, which focuses on three matters: First: I mentioned and studied four Hadiths and the strange ones about hitting a drum. I also stated the benefits of these Hadiths and what the Islamic religious scholars explained regarding the interpretations and benefits of those Hadiths . Second: I mentioned and analyzed four Hadiths which discuss the issue of singing, and then I mentioned the benefits by extracting them from the books of Hadith's interpretations . Third: What should be said to the spouses in the first night and I mentioned two Hadiths regarding this issue. I dealt with these Hadiths as I did with the previous ones; I studied, analyzed and explained them . In the Second request, I stated the manners of entrance to the bride during the first night which focus on three matters: First: Greetings, prayers and putting the hand on the forelock. I mentioned here two Hadiths and dealt with them as I did to previous ones. Second: a prayer consisting of two bowings. I mentioned two Hadiths and dealt with them as I did to the previous ones . Third: The way of talks and assiduities should be done towards the bride. I mentioned two Hadiths which I identified and studied the chain of narrators, and what the Islamic religious scholars said regarding the interpretations of these Hadiths . Fourth: The major ritual ablution of the whole body, and the way of cleaning the body. I mentioned one Hadith. Fifth: The snippet of the armhole’s hair and the paring of nails. I mentioned one Hadith. Sixth: Combing hair. I mentioned two Hadiths . Seventh: Perfuming. I mentioned two Hadiths . In the third request, I stated Hadiths which discuss the manners of coitus. It focuses on three matters: First: Assiduity, cuddling and kissing before coitus. I mentioned three Hadiths . Second: Denudation among spouses and had been mentioned regarding this issue in Sunnah. I mentioned three Hadiths . Third: Asking for the assistance of Allah by saying "In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful," and exorcism from Satan by saying I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed. " I stated what is Sunnah regarding these two issues. There are several Hadiths which discuss this issue but I mentioned the Hadith of Ibn Mso'od because of the agreement of Albkhari and Muslim upon its analysis . -Time of asking for the assistance of Allah by saying "In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. And what is mentioned in Sunnah regarding this issue . -The purpose of asking for the assistance of Allah . - The advantages of asking for the assistance of Allah . - Mentioning the name of Allah in the situation of ritual impurity . Fourth: having a sexual intercourse anyway, except from behind . The best sexual intercourse’s manner. Fifth: adjusting with wife to have pleasure and orgasm. Sixth: Recurring to the sexual intercourse, and the recommendation of ablution or major ritual ablution of the whole body which is even better. . Finally, I ended this research with a conclusion clarifying the most important results I reached through this study. All Prayers are upon our Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon Him.

ISSN: 1658-4066

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