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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

Zaghlol، D. S.، و Hassan، A. E. A. A. (2021). Mediating the Role of Social Innovation in the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Corporate Reputation: An Empirical Study on Customers of Private Universities in the Arab Republic of Egypt. المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية، مج45, ع4 ، 1 - 38. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1288411

MLA إسلوب

Zaghlol، Doaa Sabry، و Abd El Azeez Ali Hassan. "Mediating the Role of Social Innovation in the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Corporate Reputation: An Empirical Study On Customers of Private Universities in the Arab Republic of Egypt." المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية مج45, ع4 (2021): 1 - 38. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1288411

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