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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

Serag، A. A.، و Daoud، M. M. A. (2022). A Proposed Framework for Studying the Impact of Cybersecurity on Accounting Information to Increase Trust in the Financial Reports in the Context of Industry 4.0: An Event Impact and Response Approach. مجلة التجارة والتمويل، عدد خاص ، 20 - 61. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1313085

MLA إسلوب

Serag، Asmaa Abdelmonem، و Mona Mohamed Ali Daoud. "A Proposed Framework for Studying the Impact of Cybersecurity On Accounting Information to Increase Trust in the Financial Reports in the Context of Industry 4.0: An Event Impact and Response Approach." مجلة التجارة والتمويل عدد خاص (2022): 20 - 61. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1313085

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