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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

Boulabeiz، A.، Nouar، M. B.، و Karbouche، R. (2022). Tele Rehabilitation Technologies for the Older Adults in Algeria during Covid-19 Era: Status-Quo, Horizons and the Obstacles: An Analytical Descriptive Study for the View of a Sample of the Physical Treatment Experts in Algeria. مجلة التواصل، مج28, عدد خاص ، 215 - 225. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1341663

MLA إسلوب

Boulabeiz، Ayoub، Merbouha Boulahbal Nouar، و Ramوe Karbouche. "Tele Rehabilitation Technologies for the Older Adults in Algeria During Covid-19 Era: Status-Quo, Horizons and the Obstacles: An Analytical Descriptive Study for the View of a Sample of the Physical Treatment Experts in Algeria." مجلة التواصل مج28, عدد خاص (2022): 215 - 225. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/1341663

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