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رمزية الطير في أشرعة الفجر : قراءة في مجموعة ( أشرعة الفجر ) للشاعر مرتضى فرج الله

Source: مجلة الكلية الإسلامية الجامعة
Publisher: الجامعة الإسلامية
Main Author: حسين، تومان غازي (مؤلف)
Volume/Issue: مج 5, ع 15
Peer Refereed: Yes
Country: العراق
Date: 2011
Hijri Date: 1433
Pages: 295 - 334
DOI: 10.51837/0827-005-015-017
ISSN: 1997-6208
MD No.: 191442
Content Type: بحوث ومقالات
Language: Arabic
Database(s): IslamicInfo
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Abstract: The Bird Symbolism in Ashhreat Al- Fajer, A reading in Ashreat Al-Fajer Collection for Murtadah Faraj Allah. Through out this research it became clear that the poet Murtadha Faraj Allah is conforming to his literary production due to his belief on socialism as the optimum resolution for the socially suffurre, that opinion be achieved save by diffusing the spirit of freedom and its general human conditions which man asks for in all times. The image of the bird dominates the poet's mind and imagination ,which he recalls from the nest, tree, flowers and water to significant moved within a general moral frame which is the frame of good or advantage. The bird symbolism that refer to evil was not far from the partial that depends on metaphor and other figures of speech in the traditional rhetoric's or in the symbolic linguistic tradition . The bird symbolism came in a stylistic formation connected with new experience appear in his poetry by leaving the traditional and the read images and that is what happen each new school trays to show its age image away from simplicity in structure. The symbolic feature of bird was limited, that the poet aimed as limiting the symbol developing within the contest by a clear opinion that clarify his attitude towards the issues that he dealt with in his poetry, he might did that to make his poetry for all people.

ISSN: 1997-6208

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