العنوان بلغة أخرى: |
The Effectiveness of the Developer Social Worker intervention for Social Community Based Rehabititation of Leprosy Disabilities Abblied study on Esna District Governorate of Qena |
المؤلف الرئيسي: | أبو زيد، أسعد عبادي سليمان (مؤلف) |
مؤلفين آخرين: | غلاب، إكرام سيد (مشرف) , عبداللطيف، رشاد أحمد (مشرف) , عثمان، محمد عبدالسميع (مشرف) |
محكمة: | نعم |
التاريخ الميلادي: |
موقع: | القاهرة |
التاريخ الهجري: | 1426 |
الصفحات: | 1 - 356 |
رقم MD: | 552072 |
نوع المحتوى: | رسائل جامعية |
اللغة: | العربية |
الدرجة العلمية: | رسالة دكتوراه |
الجامعة: | جامعة الازهر |
الكلية: | كلية التربية |
الدولة: | مصر |
قواعد المعلومات: | Dissertations |
مواضيع: | |
رابط المحتوى: |
الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها. |
المستخلص: |
Qur Egyptian modern society lives nowadays several forms of comprehensive devedopment which has its effects on all sides of life political social, cultural, and economic. In under this development the socicty faces many problems that hinder this especially those that are related to the humar element and preparing him as he is the centre of the whole developiment process and for this the human element gets an increasing interest in all his life stages.This interest has has becuse an imporfant necessity because the sutuse of the development we look for wacd depends on the role which the humam element does and related to his Knowedgeof his situation at progress making: so his real preparation to shonlder responsbility was the sensitive measure for the progress of socity – the more his efficibncy increases the bettes is the devlopment and building of society. The most esscntol proplems that the human elemet has and which obstacles his continuous developmental rates wich the fanily and the society are offected with and make him unable to develop or increase his abilities and beafit his powers which is relatel to ones heath that is considerd one of the main bases that society depends on to invest the capacities of this human element efficiently to achieve the nceded gools of development and these problems shapesg high dangecs when they are related to one's hart as handcapping that lead-him to be handicapped. So we have had to take care of the cuse of the handicappcd very much because they represent %10 of the society that is in need for every human element to share in the social and economic process. This is in addition to that the case of the handicapped is not a case of kindness and charity but it is a case of nghts which all heavenly religious and international organization call for and are included in laws of states- it is also acrre that is evoked now adays as we as we are at the beginning of the first century to maintain the rights of the handi capped to a leod a natural life which his humanity can't be complete without them. Those laws are for example, work, laws, security and safety in an atmosphere of equality, and equal chances so that everyone cant have his position to live a stabele life according to his abilities as every body is suitable for what he is created for. The problem of liprosy handicapping is considered one of the serieus health problems that faces the Egyptian socity now it is not only a disease but it is also a social healthy and economic problem because it is an illness that its spread is related to the healthy social and economic conditions of society as its resisten is related to general heatlth standard of a societi and the standard of its prpgrammes resistance . • The hypotheses of the study first the main hypothesis : there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and the social rehabilitation of the handicapped of the liprosy disease that is based on a societd bases. This main hypothesis has anumber of secondary branches. The first secondary hypothesis . There is a relation that has a statistical significance between the professional inteferencc of the social worker and changing the social trends of the handicapped of liprosy disease. And this is throngh the following dinmensions. 1- There is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the handicapped of liprosy disease to face the problems of sociat se clusion. 2- There is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the handicapped of liprosy disease to feel valuable and their importance in life . 3- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the handicapped to feel a ccepted for themselres and the others . 4- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the handicapped to acquice the feeling of self confidence . 5- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the handicapped of liprosg diseacee not tobe hostile towards society . • The second hypothesis there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and enabling families of the handi capped of lipasy disease to pley their role and this through the following dimnsinons 1- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping families of the handicappel of liprosy disease to accept hand icapping . 2- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the families of the handicapped of liprasy disease to form groups to face their problems. 3- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and helping the families of the hand icapppcd of liprosy disease to acquire the ability of treating with them . • the third secondary Hypothesis : - there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and enabling the society to play his role therough the following dimensions : 1- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and to make the society awace of the handicapping dimension. 2- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and changing the negative view of the society towards handicapping 3- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and moving the society to have a positive role . • the fourth secondary Hypothesis : - there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and arranging among specialized institation to play theit roles of reference services through the following dimensions: 1- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and the hand capped of liprosy disease being ready for treatment and following it . 2- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and saving rehabilitation services for the patients of liprosy disease. 3- there is a relation which has a statistical sign between the professonal interference of the developer social worker and the economical services which the patients of liprosy disease get. • The Importance of the study: 1- It contributes in offening the nceds for a portion of the society that needs care as the percent of the handicapped in any socicty a ccording to the intcrnatibnal statistics is a bout %10 of the population and %3 of the individuals of a society need urgent rehabitlitation services. 2- Saving the economical expenses because it is so expensive inside institutions and at the same time the style of rehabilitation by building big specialized centres is so slow and it doesn’t cope with the increasing number of the handicapped and especially in the developing countries. 3- This study urtges to take care of the style of protection of the positions of early discovering as these conceptions are not included in the work of traditional institutions. 4- It contributes in spreading the conception of mainstreaming the handicapped in his society as the traditional instuitions increase the seclusion of the handicapped and hence incsease . the society Knowledge of the case of handicapping. 5- It contribute in depending upon local community and its abilities to offer the service of the rehabilitation for the handicapped in there places and communities in a form that Secutes a great number of the handicapped at low expenses. • The study Goals the Gools of the stuly 1- the choice of how is the programne of the social worker suitable for the social rehabilitation of the handicapped of the liprosy discase on a societ a basis. 2- Trying to reach a test of effectiveness of the programes of the professional interference of social worker of the sociol re habilitation for the andicapped of liprosy disease on a societal basis . 3- Enriching the theoretical side of the method of communyity organization with the handicapped on a ccount that this method has not been tested before. 4- Increasing the rehabilitation services as the services that are available now through the traditional systems which depend on the institutional agencies are very low for rehabilitation needs. 5- Type of the study : the current study belongs to Experimented type of studies that depends on experimentation .it seeks to examine the relation between social work intervention as an independent variable and social community based rehabilitation of leprosy disabilities as an dependent variable. 6- Tools of the study , Data collection Techniques the researcher used the following techniques to collect the required data as follows :- a. scal of psychosocial Adjust mint for leprosy Disabilities . b. qustetionary for the member of the community committee. c. meting for the wife's of the Disabilities . 7- fields of the study : a) population : * |