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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

Abu Hassoun، L. A.، و Graser، L. (2009). If she is educated, then a whole people are educated’: Islam, culture, and education in the Middle Eastern women’s identity (رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة). Bowling Green State University، واشنطن. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/620137

MLA إسلوب

Abu Hassoun، Laila Ali، و Larry Graser. "If She Is Educated, Then a Whole People Are Educated’: Islam, Culture, and Education in the Middle Eastern Women’s Identity" رسالة ماجستير. Bowling Green State University، واشنطن، 2009. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/620137

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