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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

Abd Almaksoud، A.، و Basheikh، A. A. M. (2006). The Relationship Between the Leveis of Deployment of New Management Accounting Practices and The Leveis of Application of Innovative Managerial Practices in Eyyptian and Saudi Firms. المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية، مج30, ع2 ، 25 - 37. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/659747

MLA إسلوب

Abd Almaksoud، Ahmed، و Abd Allatif Mohamed Basheikh. "The Relationship Between the Leveis of Deployment of New Management Accounting Practices and The Leveis of Application of Innovative Managerial Practices in Eyyptian and Saudi Firms." المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية مج30, ع2 (2006): 25 - 37. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/659747

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