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الآثار المترتبة على خسارة المستثمرين في سوق الأسهم السعودي : دراسة ميدانية مطبقة على عينة من المستثمرين بمدينة الرياض

العنوان بلغة أخرى: The impacts of the loss of investors in the Saudi Stock Market
المصدر: مجلة الاجتماعية
الناشر: جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية - الجمعية السعودية لعلم الاجتماع والخدمة الاجتماعية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الحمادي، حماد بن علي صالح (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Al Hammadi, Hammad Ali Saleh
المجلد/العدد: ع5
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: السعودية
التاريخ الميلادي: 2012
التاريخ الهجري: 1434
الشهر: نوفمبر
الصفحات: 268 - 320
ISSN: 1658-4716
رقم MD: 884099
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
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المستخلص: هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على الآثار المترتبة لانهيار سوق الأسهم على بناء الأسرة السعودية، وذلك من خلال التعرف على الآثار النفسية والصحية المؤثرة على التركيبة الشخصية لهم، وكذلك معرفة الآثار الاجتماعية والسلوكية والاقتصادية المؤثرة في علاقتهم بأسرهم (الزوجة والأبناء). وقد تمثلت أهم الآثار النفسية في زيادة إيمان المبحوثين بالقضاء والقدر، وتكيفهم مع أوضاعهم الأسرية بعد الخسارة، وقد جعلتهم الخسارة مترددين في اتخاذ قراراتهم، أما من الناحية الصحية فإن غالبية المبحوثين لم يصابوا بأمراض أو جلطات بسبب الخسارة بيد أنهم أفادوا بأنهم لم يعودوا قادرين على النوم بسهولة. أما من الناحية الاجتماعية فقد قللت الخسارة من مساعدة المبحوثين المادية لأقاربهم وأفراد أسرهم، كما قللت من لقاءاتهم بأفراد أسرهم مقارنة بما كان يحدث قبل الخسارة، ومن الناحية السلوكية فقد أفاد نصف المبحوثين أنهم سعوا إلى تعويض الخسارة بأي طريقة، ونفى العديد منهم أن يكونوا قد لجأوا إلى سب الآخرين بسبب الخسارة، وأشار بعضهم إلى أنهم لازالوا يقابلون الآخرين بوجه بشوش. وقد تبين أن أشد الآثار الاقتصادية المرتبطة بالأسرة مباشرة تأخر إنجاز مخططاتهم المرتبطة بشراء سيارة أو أرض أو بيت، وانخفاض مستوى معيشتهم، بالإضافة إلى فقدانهم لكافة مدخراتهم بسبب الخسارة في الأسهم.

The purpose of this study is to achieve the primary goal which is to identify the impacts of the collapse of the stock market on the family of Saudi Arabia through a series of sub-objectives include identifying the characteristics of the respondents demographic in the Saudi stock market, identify the psychological effects and health affecting the character of the respondents investors in the stock market, identify the social, behavioral and economic influence on the relationship of respondents investors in the stock market all of its members (spouse and children) The study employed a descriptive and analytical quantitative and qualitative mixed method. The questionnaire was the tool to collect quantitative data, while observation was the tool for collecting qualitative data. The research sample included N 263 of traders in the stock market residing in the city of Riyadh. The study found that traders in the stock market are often from the educated class background in society, and middle-aged. Moreover, more than half of the sample does not own a house, and the majority of them are government employees. Their monthly incomes exceed more than six thousand SR. Furthermore, the majority of them have no Prior experience in the field of stocks transactions. About 84% of them have lost their investments in the stock market. In terms of the social impacts of the collapse of stock market, the study found that such impacts include the lack of financial help to their relatives because of the economic loss, the lack of help to the main requirements of the respondent’s family members and their relatives; less interaction with their family members than before the loss. In terms of the psychological effects, the study found an increased in the faith of respondents’ fatalism, and that the respondents have adapted to the situation after the loss. As far as the behavioral effects is concerned, half of respondents indicated that they sought to compensate for their loss in equity in any way possible and that several respondents indicated that they did not turn to insult nor blame others for their loss in stocks. Still some respondents pointed out that they still maintain contacts and interactions with other people in a human and kind manner even after the stock crisis. The study also found In terms of economic impacts that the crisis has resulted in the lost of all of the family saving as well as it has compiled families to postpone the execution of their plans regarding the purchase of land or a car or home. The stock crisis has also lowered the level of living the family used to enjoy before. In terms of health effects, the study shows the vast majority of respondents indicated that they do not get ill nor the do not face a stroke as a result of the stock market crisis, but some respondents experience sleep difficulties. On the basis of the finding, the study made some policy recommendations including the call for supporting the victims who lost their savings and assets of their money in stocks specially the small investors affected by the stocks crisis during 2006-2009, a period characterized by the lack of awareness and the absence of awakening published literature, which did not appear until after 2009. This can be achieved through re pumping the lost amounts to be collected back from violators of the major investors in stock market. Other recommendations call for raising the awareness of investors through training and the increase of the publications of books able to educate investors of the risk surrounding stock share transactions. Another recommendation calls for allowing people to invest in stock market only after they get enough training to make them invulnerable to stock market crisis.

ISSN: 1658-4716