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نمط اقتباس:
APA إسلوب

الفهد، معاذ عبدالوهاب عبدالعال. (2018). Molecular Diagnosis and Determine Effect of Cultivars, Dates of Planting and Geographic Locations in Percentage and Severity infection Of Bigeminiviridae Tomato Yellow Leaf Cur virus (TYLCV) On Tomato In Five Desert Areas Of Iraq. المجلة العراقية لدراسات الصحراء، مج8, ع1 ، 8 - 17. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/932555

MLA إسلوب

الفهد، معاذ عبدالوهاب عبدالعال. "Molecular Diagnosis and Determine Effect of Cultivars, Dates of Planting and Geographic Locations in Percentage and Severity Infection Of Bigeminiviridae Tomato Yellow Leaf Cur Virus (TYLCV) On Tomato In Five Desert Areas Of Iraq." المجلة العراقية لدراسات الصحراء مج8, ع1 (2018): 8 - 17. مسترجع من http://search.mandumah.com/Record/932555

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