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أثر المنطق في إثبات مسائل العقيدة

المؤلف الرئيسي: عبد، مصطفى ذياب (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: عبدالله، محمد رمضان (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2008
موقع: بغداد
التاريخ الهجري: 1429
الصفحات: 1 - 172
رقم MD: 553304
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: الجامعة الإسلامية بغداد
الكلية: كلية أصول الدين
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: Praise be to Allah for bestowing us belief in His Being and attributes, Pray & Peace be on the Seal of the Prophets- Muhammad pray & peace be upon him, his family, and his companions lucky for his companionship and attachment, enlightened with his education and habits his benevolent followers guiding people towards the Right by proving the same. Hence, the basis of Islam is its doctrine lying in faith in Gods existence and oneness. Most of works on Logic were not written for those who used to believe in Holy Qur'an with their minds enlightened with its lights but for the zanadiqa, whose znadiqa used to depend upon identical philosophies and abnormal sections depending in their abnormalities on intellectual obligations. Therefore, scholastic theologists had to choose between either disregarding those zanadiqa's mistakes thus their ideas spread and thus have their way towards the simple-minded, or opposing them and thus unveiling their false identicals, their proof sophistication and their corrupted method. Therefore, they preferred the latter as a response to the Islamic propaganda necessity, under known rules of Godly Judgments in this respect and according to the fundamental basis without which a must is not to be fulfilled and what was set to be is thus a must. These have been the causes behind my decision to tackle a subject exposing the effect of logic in proving doctrine affairs and shedding light on the importance of logical argumentation in invalidating true religion path semi disproving and obstinate.

Throughout this research, I have concluded the followings: 1. Interference in sciences is a fixed fact. 2. Intellectual sciences are joined in one point at which they cannot be separated. 3. The ratio between the Intellectual proof meaning and logical proof one, is absurd generality & particularity, on basis that logical proof applies to whatever intellectual proof does rather than vice versa. 4. Belief doctrines are legally fixed mind is apt to understand legally and to appeal to proofs and excluding suspicion therefore. Hence, legal proof affirms and assures traditional proof as expressed in assuring the attribute of hearing to gracious Allah. 5. It seems that scholastic theologists depend basically on definitely laid down proofs. Hence, they consider hearing proof is restricted to Holy Qur'an, Sunna, and Ijma' al-Umma only. For them, obligation conclusion is not enough to prove Allah's attributes because ignorance of this kind of knowledge is very dangerous. 6. The researchist has found out that monotheism contracts are three: I- What is essential for argumentation is definite intellectual proof some are treated with logical proof, that is whatever restricted to proving miracle upon him. By the same token, the existence of God, His everlastingness, His science, His ability, His life, His will. Had hearing proof been used for argumentation on these affairs, the role would have been obligatory( ).

II- What is not to be augmented with unless there is hearing proof, that is any that is referred to the occurrence of anything lawful such as: resurrection, both angels inquiring in the grave, the path, the balance, the credit, the punishment, paradise, hell, seeing God… etc. Such things to be recognized by the intellect only because they are lawful. Their true existence is set by hearing alone. III- What can be inferred by the 2 bases, i.e. hearing proof and intellectual proof in a way that each of them is independent from the other as relevant to argumentation, is not lawful. The evidence of the miracle does not depend thereupon because they are like proving hearing and seeing are attributes of God in addition to speech, included with lawful things to exist according to the jurisprudence. Hence, to realize God's existence is feasible through seeing and intellectuality rather than by traditional narration. Besides, believing in prophets' prophecy and their message through seeing and intellectuality, too, in addition to logical argumentation. Yet, there are certain other questions which we have known only through traditional narration such as those stating Doomsday and congregation of the dead (soul and body)… etc. Had not such things been restricted to traditional narration, human mind would in no way been able to imagine their happening and thus believe them. Therefore, such thins have been called "the Invisibles". 7. The importance of Logic in many aspects of arts, researches, and diverse intellectual roots, especially in this noble science (Scholastic Theology) through the logic argumentations. We have presented to prove most important doctrine questions. 8. It seems for the researchist that this thesis is a suitable testbook for students of this science and for the propaganda. 9. The researchist invokes those who are highly talented in Holy Qur'an knowledge and Logic to invent proof argumentation and logical argumentations extracted from Holy Qur'an. What I have mentioned above is a summary of conclusions suggestions and complements of my findings. If my findings are right, it is a credit of God's. If there are mistakes in this thesis, they are on my part. Praise be to God, the Supporter of success.