المستخلص: |
يمثل بناء البيت البصري في العصر العباسي ناحية حضارية جديرة بالدراسة من جميع نواحيها دراسة تستند إلى كتب الجاحظ. فحدثنا عن البيت البصري في العصر العباسي ووصف لنا شكله والمواد التي تستعمل في بنائه والتي تختلف حسب مستوى الفرد في المجتمع العباسي فالطبقة المرفهة تستعمل مواد غير التي كانت تستعملها الطبقات الدنيا، وهكذا جاءت البيوت مختلفة حسب اختلاف الطبقات والأفراد واستعمال مواد البناء المختلفة جاءت بنصوص من كتب الجاحظ وكأنه المعماري الخبير بأمور البناء. ومن خلال كتاباته تبين لنا ما كانوا يستعملونه من مواد بناء ساهمت في تشييد الدور والقصور فأنعشت حركة العمران والتقدم الحضاري، فذكر البيت البصري بأجزائه ابتداء من العتبة وحتى السطح وكذلك أماكن الفضلات.
Building the Basri house in the Abbasid period represents a civilized side which worthy of study in all its aspects. This study based on Al-Jahiz writings who talked about the Basri house in the Abbasid period. He described form and materials that been used in its construction which were vary according to the social classes in the Abbasid community. The luxury class were using materials which were different from materials that were being used by the lower classes, so the houses came different according to different classes and individuals and the use of different building materials were showed in the texts of Al-Jahz as if he were an expert architect. And through his writings, he shows us what they were using in building materials that contributed to the construction of the houses and palaces and revitalized the movement of urbanization as well as civilizational progress. The Basri house was mentioned in its parts starting from the threshold and even the upstairs as well as places of waste.