المستخلص: |
تقف الشاعرة في مقدمة الشاعرات اللواتي صورن أشواقهن الإلهية وحبهن لذات الله واسع العفو والمغفرة، لقد صورت في شعرها حبها للرسول ولآل البيت ومدى إخلاصها في عبادتها لله والشكر على نعمه الكبيرة والتأمل في خلقه وبدائع صنعه والاعتراف بنعمه والتفكير في بدائع صنعه والتوحيد به وقدرته على خلق الإنسان وإعادة خلقه.
In the introduction, the poetess stanas as the first one who pictured their divined feeling (longing) for the almighty God who is merciful and always offers forgiveness. She pictured in her verse love for the messenger and his family and how she was de voted in there prayers and thanking Allah for his many blessings. She also speculated in his wonderful creation and admitted his gifts more over. She thought in his wonderful creation and to worship put the almighty God and his ability in creation and recreation of man.