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طريقة الإمام البهوتي في التأليف

العنوان بلغة أخرى: The Method of Imam Bahuti in Authorship
المصدر: دراسات - علوم الشريعة والقانون
الناشر: الجامعة الأردنية - عمادة البحث العلمي
المؤلف الرئيسي: القطابرى، خالد محمد يحيى (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج46, ع4
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الأردن
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
التاريخ الهجري: 1441
الشهر: كانون الأول
الصفحات: 41 - 59
DOI: 10.35516/0272-046-004-006
ISSN: 1026-3748
رقم MD: 1036904
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: +IslamicInfo
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
طريقة | البهوتي | التأليف | Method | Bahuti | Authoring
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المستخلص: The research deals with the Imam Bahuti as one of the flags of Hanbali jurisprudence, and was raised in the house of science and religion and took on many of the Hanbalis late until he became imam and jurist in his time until he died in 1051 AH. Like other Hanbalis, Bahouti has a course that is not different in most of the course of his predecessors from the Hanbalis in the method of collecting the doctrinal issues and presenting them in a distinctive manner with the explanation of the text or shortening it to show the reader appropriately. However, the way Bahuti dealt with the issues of jurisprudence was not without some deficiency and this is not strange; because it is a human action is flawed, and has been confined to six observations, which is not interested in sources often do not attribute the verses to the Koran and the terms of reference to sources and the lack of interest often mention board As it is, or even its graduation, in addition to the statement of some of the provisions of the Shari'a without evidence of significant evidence in addition to the failure to conciliate in striking examples, as well as there are chapters that have no titles to help the reader to understand what is read from the subject especially if it lacked the order most often. The environment and its impact on the Bahuti as a last remark is clear either directly or indirectly to his judgment on matters of jurisprudence.

رغبة من الباحث في خدمة عالم من علماء الحنابلة وهو الإمام البهوتي الحنبلي وإظهار طريقته في التأليف ولو بشيء يسير، نشير فيه إلى غزارة علمه وجوده ما كتبه، كذلك الإشارة إلى أهمية مؤلفاته وشروحاته ومختصراته في المذهب الحنبلي حتى أصبحت من المراجع الهامة. وقد قسمت البحث إلى مطالب تشمل سيرة البهوتي والملاحظات العلمية على مؤلفاته وكيفية استدلاله بالسنة النبوية، وطريقة بيانه للمسائل الفقهية ومدى تأثير البهوتي بالبيئة المحيطة به.

ISSN: 1026-3748