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الوجود الفلسطيني في الكويت 1961 - 1991: دراسة تأريخية

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Palestinian Presence in Kuwait 1961 - 1991: Historical Study
المؤلف الرئيسي: جياد، حسين فالح (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: عجمي، عبدالرسول شهيد (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2016
موقع: الناصرية
التاريخ الهجري: 1437
الصفحات: 1 - 218
رقم MD: 1037604
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة ذي قار
الكلية: كلية الاداب
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
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المستخلص: The research aims to address the issue of the Palestinian presence in Kuwait, which spanned from 1961 - 1991, where Kuwait has witnessed the influx of large numbers of Palestinians on its territory because of the Arab-Israeli wars and the ensuing forced displacement of Palestinians to various parts of the world, including Kuwait, and Kuwait began to exploit human potential Palestinian in their favor starting the use of the educational mission of the Palestinian, which played an active part in the development of this vital sector and spread Palestinians contributions to the development of the other in Kuwait sectors, including the oil sector, including the oil sector and the health sector, the army and police, although the Palestinians contributions to the construction of the State of Kuwait, but the Kuwaiti government and even after political independence in 1961, will not compromise on the issue of granting citizenship to the Palestinians and put impossible conditions aimed from behind to reduce the growth of the Palestinian presence and turn it into a permanent presence I took is the Palestinians that a temporary presence, but Kuwait has shown a high amount of understanding of the problem of the Palestinians on its territory, worked to absorb and handle it with the utmost seriousness and spirit of national and Arab hospitable driven by the quest to win the respect of the Arab world have, especially since Arabism, national and national standards were measured on the attention span of the regulations to the Palestinian cause and the Palestinians specifically, Kuwait became the main theater of the Palestinian diaspora even became the talk of the Palestinian entity is the main concern for the Palestinians in Kuwait, especially in the first few months of 1964 and confirmed by the first Arab Summit Conference held in Cairo in 1964, headed by Gamal Abdel Nasser, as the latter commissioned Ahmed Shuqairi the task of establishing an entity for the Palestinians, after the establishment of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Ahmed Shukairy opened a special office in Kuwait.

Then open the office door to join the Palestinian Liberation Army has consistently office himself to do military training and the organization's Liberation Army in Kuwait, after a setback in June 1967, Kuwait called for the convening of a conference of Arab foreign ministers to discuss the situation and participated Kuwait some military forces in this war also reached large numbers of army Palestinian Liberation coming from Kuwait towards Iraq through Jordan and Syria to participate in this war, and as a result of the war in 1967, the flow of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Kuwait stability where after Israeli troops took control of the land and the Ptahjaarham the Kuwaiti government refused at the time the students are learning in schools citing the lack of places to have, but the officials at the organization's office persuaded the use of its schools in the afternoon and these schools lasted from 1967 - 1976 where he closed this year, Palestinian residents participated in Kuwait inhabitants and political events that were taking place in the region, including in October in war 1973 and the events of black September and the armed movement in Dhofar and civil war in Lebanon province down to their involvement in recent terrorist attacks in Kuwait in the eighties which is the impact on their relationship with the Kuwaiti government, which took looking for a reason to get them out of Kuwait, especially after a hectic press campaigns that began waged against the government Kuwait, came the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1990 and take the Palestinians supportive stance to Iraq to put the argument in the hands of the Kuwaiti government to remove the Palestinians from its territory after the liberation of Kuwait in February 1991, the Kuwaiti government launched military campaigns against the Palestinians and arrested thousands of them and tortured as the deportation of the others out of Kuwait.