المستخلص: |
فإن الله قد حفظ لنا اللغة العربية بحفظه للقرآن الكريم وهيَّأ لها العلماء الذين سخروا أقلامهم للاهتمام بها والتَّأليف في علومها ومن بين هذه المؤلَّفات كتاب التَّسهيل لابن مالك الذي يمثل مرحلة النَّضج الفكري عنده فشغل النَّاس بما حواه من مادة علميَّة غزيرة فعنوا به وعكفوا على دراسته وشرحه والتَّحشية عليه. وقد وقفت على نسخة من نسخ كتاب )التسهيل( لابن مالك، عليها حواشٍ لنحوي مكة، شهاب الدين أحمد بن محمد بن عبدالمعطي الأنصاري (788هـ) وحققت منها )باب المضمر(، وهي من الحواشي المهمة؛ لأن صاحبها من طلبة أبي حيان الأندلسي وبخطه، وفي ذيلها إجازة له من أبي حيان بإقراء كتاب التسهيل ورواية مصنَّفاته، وتعد هذه الحواشي أول أثر نحوي يحقق لهذا العالم الجليل، وقد شهدت له كثير من كتب التراجم بإمامته في هذا الفن.
Allah (Glorified Exalted be He) has saved the Arabic language as he has saved the Holy Quran and made Jurists dedicate their works for caring and writing in its sciences. Within these writings is the book "Attasheel" by Ibn Malik which represents the stage of the intellectual maturity for him. This book has grabbed the attention of people. Consequently, they cared, studied, explained, and annotated it. I considered a copy of the book "Attasheel" of Ibn Malik, with annotations by the grammarian of Holy Makkah, Shihab al-Din Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Abdul Mu'ti al-Ansari (788 H) and investigated (Bab al-Mudmar), which is an important annotation as its owner is one of the students of his Abu Hayyan Al Andalusi and by his handwriting. In its footnote, there is a License for him by Abu Hayyan Al Andalusi to read the book "Attasheel" on his students and narrate its content. These annotations are considered the first grammatical heritage that investigate for this great scientist. Many books of biographies have witnessed his leadership in this art, as well.