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حق العدول في التعاقد عن بعد: دراسة مقارنة

العنوان المترجم: The Right of Retraction from Remotely Contracting: Comparative Study
المصدر: مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
الناشر: جامعة عين شمس - مركز بحوث الشرق الأوسط
المؤلف الرئيسي: أحمد، أحمد محمد صالح (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Ahmed, Ahmed Mohammed Saleh
المجلد/العدد: ع56
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2020
الشهر: يوليو
الصفحات: 157 - 188
DOI: 10.21608/MERCJ.2020.98305
ISSN: 2536-9504
رقم MD: 1069720
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink
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المستخلص: إن العقود المبرمة عن بعد في الوقت الحالي من أكثر العقود انتشاراً، حيث ساهم التطور التكنولوجي في وسائل الاتصال والتواصل هي سرعة وفاعلية انتشار مثل هذا النوع من العقود، فحاجة المستهلكون للسلع والخدمات تدفعهم إلى التعاقد بشيء من السرعة والعجلة مع المحترفين، بغرض الحصول على ما يرومون إليه لحاجتهم الماسة؛ وخصوصاً بسبب الإبهار والتشويق الذي يضعه المحترفون في إعلاناتهم - عبر الإنترنت أو التليفزيون أو أية وسيلة مرئية أخرى - الأمر الذي يزيد من لهفة المستهلك للإقبال على التعاقد على هذه السلع والخدمات دون التروي والتأكد من مدى ملائمة هذه السلعة أو الخدمة لاحتياجاته الفعلية. إزاء هذه المعطيات والمستجدات وقصور القواعد العامة المنظمة لإحكام العقد في التشريعات المدنية أصبح إيجاد قواعد قانونية خاصة بحماية المستهلكين في غاية الأهمية. وبناء على ما تقدم، تناولنا هذا البحث حق المستهلك في العدول في التعاقد عن بعد، حيث سوف نتناول مفهوم العدول القانوني، والطبيعة القانونية للحق في العدول، ونظرة التشريعات المختلفة لحق المستهلك في العدول وضمانات هذا الحق واستثناءاته، وسوف نستعرض ما أوجده المشرع المصري في قانون حماية المستهلك الجديد رقم 181 لسنة 2018 بشأن الحق في العدول في هذا البحث. ومن ثم نجد أن المشرع المصري قد خطى خطوات واسعة في مجال الحماية المقررة للمتعاقد عن بعد حيث أعطى للمستهلك الحق في القانون الجديد العدول وكذا الرجوع عن التعاقد خلال المدد التي تم تحديدها سلفاً الامر الذي يحمد للمشرع المصري، ولكن كان لزماً على المشرع المصري أن يقوم بالتدقيق في مفهوم التعاقد عن بعد والتوسع فيه بشكل أكبر لما لهذا النوع من العقود من انتشار في الفترة الأخيرة خصوصاً على المستوي الدولي والمحلي.

Contracts concluded remotely at the present time are one of the most widespread contracts, where the technological development in the means of communication and communication is the speed and effectiveness of the spread of this type of contracts 'the need of consumers for goods and services prompts them to contract with some speed and haste with professionals, in order to obtain As they want it, especially because of the dazzle and excitement that professionals put in their advertisements - online, television or any other visual medium - which increases the consumer's eagerness to contract these goods and services without being careful and to make sure that this commodity is suitable or Service for its actual needs. Due to the growing vulnerability of consumers due to industrial development and technological progress, which has led to a marked change in the methods of producing goods, providing services and methods of distribution and marketing. The professional is now engaged in his activities through large companies that possess information in addition to their economic capacity, which makes it easier for him to use various types of modern means of promotion and advertising such as advertisements that may contain unclear information, not to mention the way they are edited by model contracts containing conditions Most of them are in the interest of the professional, the contractual relationship between the applicants of goods and services and their providers is unequal due to the economic, legal, cognitive and technical superiority of the latter. Consumer rights are being wasted and are therefore being described as arbitrary. In the face of these data and developments and the lack of general rules governing the tightening of contracts in civil legislation, the creation of legal rules for the protection of consumers has become very important. Thus, this research aims to try to protect the contractors remotely by giving them after the conclusion of the contract the mechanism to refrain from contracting hasty during certain periods determined by the law according to goods and services, where we often find that the consumer has contracted without careful study and sufficient to discover after the conclusion of the contract missed The time has come for him to make this contract in fact. This research addresses the consumer's right to contract remotely, where we will address the concept of legality, the legal nature of the right to waive, and the view of different legislation sought by the consumer in the law and the guarantees and exceptions of this right, and we will review what the Egyptian legislator has established in the law of protection New consumer No. 181 for 2018 on the right to rein state this research. Based on the foregoing, we have addressed this research the right of the consumer to avoid contracting remotely, where we will address the concept of legality, the legal nature of the right to waive, and the view of different legislation on the right of the consumer to waive and the guarantees and exceptions of this right, and we will review what the Egyptian legislator has established in New Consumer Protection Act No. 181 of 2018 on the right to be resonated in this research. Hence, we find that the Egyptian legislator has made great strides in the field of protection prescribed for the contractor remote, where he was given the right to the new law to reverse as well as to reverse the contract during the periods that were already specified, which is commendable to the Egyptian legislator. However, the Egyptian legislator had to scrutinize the concept of remote contracting and expand it further because of the recent proliferation of this type of contract, especially at the global and local level.

ISSN: 2536-9504