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Virtual reality is one of today's design techniques, aiming at achieving a real representation of objects and environments, in addition to the idea of continuous interaction between computer users and graphics from one side and digital images that deal with them, from the other side . An attempt to create a virtual environment for an old city requires focused efforts exerted by the specialists in several fields The ancient city of Alexandria can be visualized through the writings of the ancient writers who lived in or visited the city in various eras, including Strabo, who gave us a lists of various buildings and severally areas on a place locates between head of Lokhias and Heptestadium, then the western port. Through the topographical maps which expressed serious attempts to study those sources closely, and finally we can create a vision for an ancient city through such results unlocked by archaeological offshore and onshore excavations in the light of archaeological evidence. However, there was a similar attempt to create a virtual city for ancient Rome and its was tremendously successful experience. Success of the project to revive ancient Rome paves the way to have a new successful step toward reviving ancient city of Alexandria, where all the suitable components are available for launching a project to revive the ancient city through a virtual reality technique. In this paper, the researcher focused on the importance of digital documentation of evidences and to make virtual models for some of some important archaeological sites, known as Strabo Program which has already started.