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تقويم أوجه الثراء الإعلامي لصحافة البيانات والرسوم المعلوماتية على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية: دراسة ميدانية على مستخدمي مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية المصرية

المصدر: المجلة العلمية لبحوث الصحافة
الناشر: جامعة القاهرة - كلية الإعلام - قسم الصحافة
المؤلف الرئيسي: عزوز، هويدا محمد السيد (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Azouz, Howayda Mohamed El Sayed
المجلد/العدد: ع15
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2018
الشهر: سبتمبر
الصفحات: 337 - 387
ISSN: 2356-9158
رقم MD: 1137786
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
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المستخلص: سعت الدراسة إلى رصد وتحديد أولويات كل وجه من أوجه الثراء الإعلامي لصحافة البيانات لدي مستخدميها من الشباب، ودراسة المتغيرات التي تؤثر في تحديد هذه الأولويات من أجل الخروج بتفسير علمي يسهم في تحقيق هدف البحث" أهداف الدراسة: 1. رصد أولويات أوجه الثراء الإعلامي للصحافة الإلكترونية 2. تقييم مدى ثراء صحافة البيانات كوسيلة اتصالية من وجهة نظر المبحوثين. 3. الوقوف على أكثر مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية التي يتعرض لها المبحوثون. 4. تحديد رؤية عينة الدراسة في الأخبار المصحوبة بالرسوم البيانية والمعلوماتية ومدى ثقتهم فيها. فروض الدراسة: 1. توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين أولويات أوجه ثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية لدى المبحوثين حسب متغيراتهم الديموجرافية. 2. توجد علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين معدل تعرض المبحوثين للصحف الإلكترونية وأولويات أوجه الثراء الإعلامي لصحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية. 3. توجد علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين اتجاهات المبحوثين نحو صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية والإشباعات المتحققة منها. 4. توجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تقييم المبحوثين لثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية كأداة اتصالية وبين معدل اعتمادهم عليها كأحد مصادر المعلومات والأخبار. 5. توجد علاقة ارتباطية بين درجة تقييم المبحوثين لثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية ومدي ثقتهم في صحافة البيانات. 6. توجد علاقة ارتباطية بين درجة اعتماد المبحوثين على صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية والإشباعات المتحققة منها. الإطار النظري للدراسة: استخدمت الدراسة نظرية ثراء الوسيلة من خلال قياس ثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية ودرجة فاعليتها في تبسيط المفاهيم بما تحتويه من أدوات وصور ثابتة ومتحركة ونصوص وفيديوهات التي تسهل عملية الفهم وترفع درجة ثراء الإنترنت. نتائج الدراسة: 1. قبول الفرض الأول جزئيا بوجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين أولويات أوجه ثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية لدى المبحوثين حسب متغيراتهم الديموجرافية 2. قبول الفرض الثاني جزئيا بوجود علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين معدل تعرض المبحوثين للصحف الإلكترونية وأولويات أوجه الثراء الإعلامي لصحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية 3. قبول الفرض الثالث بوجود علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين اتجاهات المبحوثين نحو صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية 4. قبول الفرض الرابع جزئيا بوجود علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تقييم المبحوثين لثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية كأداة اتصالية وبين اعتمادهم عليها كأحد مصادر المعلومات والأخبار. 5. قبول الفرض الخامس، حيث توجد علاقة ارتباطية بين درجة تقييم المبحوثين لثراء صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية، ومدى ثقتهم في صحافة البيانات. 6. قبول الفرض السادس بوجود علاقة ارتباطية بين درجة اعتماد المبحوثين على صحافة البيانات على مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية والإشباعات المتحققة منها.

Identifying and specifying priorities of each aspect of media richness of the data press among young users to investigate the variables that affect the identification of these priorities in order to come up with a scientific explanation contributing to the achievement of the research objective". Objectives of the study: 1- To identify the impact of exposure of young people to information graphs in attracting attention, understanding and perception. 2- Monitoring the priorities of media richness of electronic journalism. 3- Evaluating the richness of data press as a means of communication from the point of view of respondents. 4- Identifying the most important contents covered by the information graphs on the websites of electronic newspapers. 5- Identifying the sites of electronic newspapers to which the respondents are most exposed. 6- Determining the vision of the sample of the study in the news accompanied by graphs and informatics and their reliability. Study Questions: 1- What is the difference between fixed and interactive information graphs from the point of view of respondents? 2- What is the difference in how users view static and interactive graphs in terms of information quality, interaction and design? 3- What are the most commonly used types of charts in electronic press sites from the users' point of view? 4- To what extent does the exposure of young people to information graphs contribute to increasing the levels of attention, understanding and remembering? 5- What is the most important content covered by the information graphs in the websites of the electronic newspapers from the point of view of the respondents? Study hypotheses: 1- There are statistically significant differences among the priorities of the richness of the data press on the websites of the electronic newspapers and demographic variables. 2- There is a correlational relationship of statistical significance between the' rate of exposure of respondents to electronic newspapers and the priorities of media richness of press data on the sites of electronic newspapers. 3- There is a correlational relationship of statistical significance between the trends of the respondents towards the press data on the websites of electronic newspapers and the impressions obtained from them. 4- There is a statistically significant relationship between respondents' assessment of the richness of data press on electronic newspaper sites as a communication tool and the rate of their dependence on them as sources of information and news. 5- There is a correlation between the degree of evaluation of respondents to the richness of data press on the sites of electronic newspapers and their confidence in the data press. 6- There is a correlation between the degree of dependence of the respondents on the press data on the websites of electronic newspapers and their impressions. Applying the theory of richness on the subject of study: By applying the theory of rich media to the press of data presented on the websites of electronic newspapers, we find that it may enjoy what enables them to achieve the hypotheses of richness. It is a technological means possessing a large amount of information, as well as the diversity of content. This can overcome the uncertainty resulting from the lack of information and doubt. It also has a strong, direct response through comments and allows its users to select, prefer or delete topics, thus enhancing privacy and personal focus. Data press also has the ability to convey information. In this study, the researcher measured the richness of the data press on the websites of the electronic newspapers and their effectiveness in simplifying the concepts with its tools, stationary and motion images, texts and videos that facilitate understanding and increase the richness of the Internet. Approach of the Study: The study is based on the methodology of the media survey. It is a systematic scientific effort to obtain data, information and descriptions of a specific phenomenon through quantitative data obtained from the answer to a set of questions, which are obtained through the questionnaire. Results: - Acceptance of the first hypothesis; having statistically significant differences among the priorities of the richness of data press on the websites of the electronic newspapers of the respondents according to their demographic variables. - Acceptance of the second hypothesis; having a relationship of statistical significance between the rate of exposure of respondents to electronic newspapers and the priorities of the rich media to press data on the websites of electronic newspapers. - Acceptance of the third hypothesis; having a relationship of statistical significance among the attitudes of respondents towards the press data on the sites of electronic newspapers. - Acceptance of the fourth hypothesis; having a statistically significant relationship between respondents' assessment of the richness of data press on electronic newspaper sites as a communication tool and their dependence on them as sources of information and news. - Acceptance of the fifth hypothesis; having a correlation between the degree of evaluation of respondents to the richness of press data on the sites of electronic newspapers, and their confidence in the data press. - Acceptance of the sixth hypothesis; having a correlation between the degree of reliance of the respondents on the press of data on the websites of the electronic newspapers and their impressions obtained. Positive news: A professional definition of media news; that the journalist seeks to get to be unique to his newspaper, radio station, television or news agency. Analytical article: a kina of journalistic article, a comprehensive presentation of the facts that constitute a phenomenon; a link between the parts explaining the relationship between them in order to reach the main results of these facts and the relationships among them. Commentator: The person who writes the commentary or explains events, publishes, broadcasts or announces something, presented to the people by communicating with them personally and by narrating them. This may be through one of the special means such as newspapers or raaio and television. An editorial is an article published in a newspaper to express the opinion of this newspaper about a problem or issue. It is not signed by a particular writer because it expresses the opinion of the newspaper in general. It is not necessary to be published on the front page of the newspaper, but selected in internal pages. Article: An art of journalistic editing, expressing the opinion of the writer or expressing the opinion of the newspaper if published without the signature of a particular writer and the article as a subjective vision and personal writer in the current events. It is on issues that occupy the public opinion, and there are several types of newspaper articles like the critical article, and analytical article, each with its own characteristics. Headlines (Manchette) - headline in the newspaper: The title that leads to the front page of the newspaper, and usually focuses on the most important news in the newspaper, the most important news on the page, usually spanning the width of the page and written in large letters to draw attention. It is called in French "Manchette". The name is frequently quoted in Arabic newspapers. Editor-in-Chief: The person responsible for the entire editing system in a newspaper or a news agency, usually including all the main editorial support sections such as news sections, investigative reports, review, translation, photography, technical sections, and all sections that produce written material; information archives, library, etc. Therefore, the editor-in-chief is fully responsible for everything published. He decides what is published and what is not published and participates in the development of the newspaper's policy and follow-up implementation. World news agencies: A number of news agencies with great potential to receive and distribute news worldwide. These agencies are specifically the British Reuters, Agency France-Presse, the Associated Press of America.

ISSN: 2356-9158