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يعتبر الذهب من المعادن التي يعول عليه السودان كثيرا لسد العجز في الإيرادات ومعالجة مشاكل الاقتصاد الناجمة عن الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية وانفصال الجنوب الذي أدى لخروج عائدات النفط التي كانت تشكل نسبة مقدرة في عائدات الدولة، لكل ذلك اهتمت الدولة بقطاع التعدين ووضعته ضمن أولوياتها في إطار اتجاهها نحو تنمية الصادرات غير البترولية. من خصائص المعدن يتميز بقاعدة نقدية مزدوجة، ويتميز بوجود علاقة ثابتة بين قيمة وحدة النقود وقيمة مقدار ثابت من الذهب، أي أن الوحدة النقدية تحتوي على مقدار ثابت من الذهب وبهذا تتعادل القوة الشرائية لوحدة النقود مع القوة الشرائية للذهب. (المعادن والذهب بالولاية الشمالية. Sudanese.com.www
Mining role on local traditional and modern for gold in supporting the North’s own resources of the state (Analytical study during the period from 2011 m - 2014) Gold is considered of minerals that reliable Sudan frequently to meet the shortfall in revenues and address the economic problems caused by the global economic crisis and the secession of the south which led to the exit of oil revenues that were accounted for ability in state revenue, all that focused on the state mining sector and placed it among its priorities in the framework of direction towards the development of non-oil exports. The mining sector has seen a marked interest in previous years Ai national and state levels through the issuance of laws and regulations has the organization, which is aimed at supporting the growth of this sector and strengthened and developed in order to increase the state’s resources. Each of the above comes this research about the role of mining for gold in the state of self-support resources during the period from 2011 m - 2014 Search problem: - Revolve the problem of this study on the role played by mining for gold in support of the North’s own resources of the state and tries to find the answer to the following questions: - 1.To what extent contribute to mining for gold resources in financing and supporting Northern State self-balancing? 2.What are the policies and strategies that have been followed to the mandate for optimal utilization of the resources of mining? Research hypotheses: - Is on the researcher to select the following assumptions: - 1.Mining for gold positive impact in supporting the Northern State's own resources. 2.policies and strategies used by the state have a positive role in the development of mining resources.