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Francophone Maghrebian novel has constantly been shaped by the changing realities of Maghrebian societies in colonial and postcolonial times. While most research has been concerned with its thematic evolution, this paper looks at its development from a Stylistic viewpoint. A mor-alist turn is argued to have characterized the newer narratives, adding up to previous turns in Maghrebian fiction which had assumed a number of functions as ‘littérature de témoignage’, a nationalistic discourse celebrating the Maghrebian pluralistic identity, a ‘double critique’ of local and western ideologies, a liberating medium which allowed the feminine voice to be heard, and a counter-discourse that has contributed to the refutation of falsified images about Islam’s openness to world cultures. It has also en-gaged with issues of global concern such as the rising fundamentalism and even offered a new form of surrealist experimentation raising core existen-tial matters about the condition of Man. This paper focuses on the analysis of Mustapha Tlili’s Montagne du lion, Yasmina Khadra’ Les Hirondelles de Kaboul, Driss Chraibi’s Les boucs, and Rachid Mimouni’s Le fleuve détourné. It adopts a cognitive Stylistic framework according to which Style is a means to an end in understanding the artistic and moralistic effects of textual choices and marked Stylistic features which reflect authors’ attitudes and ways of interpreting the world.