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جهود الإمام الثعلبي وعنايته الفائقة بالقراءات من خلال تفسيره الكشف والبيان عن تفسير القرآن: دراسة تطبيقية

العنوان بلغة أخرى: The Efforts of Imam Al-Tha'labi and his Attention to the Readings Through his Interpretation the Disclosure and Explanation on the Interpretation of the Qur'an: An Empirical Study
المصدر: المجلة العلمية لكلية القرآن الكريم للقراءات وعلومها بطنطا
الناشر: جامعة الأزهر - كلية القرآن الكريم للقراءات وعلومها بطنطا
المؤلف الرئيسي: عبدالغني، أيمن حسن رجب (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع7
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2021
التاريخ الهجري: 1442
الصفحات: 349 - 444
ISSN: 2636-2554
رقم MD: 1222099
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
الإمام الثعلبي | القراءات | دراسة تطبيقية | Efforts | Imam Al-Thalabi | Readings | An Applied Study
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المستخلص: فقد تضافرت الجهود قديمًا وحديثًا على خدمته كتاب الله تعالى، واتجهت همم الأئمة إليه حفظًا وتحملاً وأداءً وضبطًا وإتقانًا وتفسيرًا وإعرابًا وتأويلاً واستنباطًا فنشأت منه علوم لا حصر لها.. ومنها علوم القراءات حيث قامت لحفظه وصيانته. وقيض الله لكتابه الكريم أئمة مهروا في القراءة والضبط حتى أصبحوا من القراء الذين يرحل إليهم ويؤخذ عنهم، ومن هؤلاء الأئمة الذين كانت لهم عناية فائقة بعلم القراءات وضبطها وروايتها الإمام أبو إسحاق الثعلبي – رحمه الله- المتوفي سنة سبع وعشرين وأربعمائة من الهجرة النبوية، فقد لمع وذاع صيته في علم القراءات حتى كان إمامًا في هذا العلم حتى قال عنه ابن الجزري – رحمه الله- في طبقات القراء (1/100): "إمام بارع مشهور" وروى عنه القراءة تلميذه الواحدي والذين ترجموا له وصفوه بالمقرئ، ومن هنا جاءت أهمية هذا الموضوع: جهود الإمام الثعلبي وعنايته بالقراءات من خلال تفسيره "الكشف والبيان عن تفسير القرآن" دراسة تطبيقية. وذلك لإماطة اللثام عن إمام عظيم في القراءات وبيان منهجه في ذلك ومدى رسوخ قدمه في هذا الميدان كذلك أردت أن ألأفت الأنظار إلى أن تفسير "الكشف والبيان عن تفسير القرآن" للثعلبي قد حوى كمًا هائلاً من القراءات حتى أصبح مصدرًا مهمًا من مصادر القراءات لمن جاء بعده من المفسرين وطلاب العلم. هذا، وقد حرصت على إلقاء الضوء على جهود إمام بارع في علم القراءات وبيان عنايته بذلك ألا وهو الإمام الثعلبي – رحمه الله- وذلك من خلال تفسيره "الكشف والبيان عن تفسير القرآن" والتأكيد على أهمية هذا التفسير كمصدر من مصادر القراءات وتوجيهها.

Praise be to God, who enlightened his book of hearts and revealed it in a shortest and impotent manner, so his rhetoric was blunted by the wise, and his wisdom was incapacitated, and his eloquence was mute, and I testified that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is his servant and messenger - may God bless him and his family and those who follow him. And afterIn the past and in the present, efforts were combined to serve him the Book of God Almighty, and the imams' efforts were directed towards it in order to preserve, endure, perform, control, perfect, interpret, express, interpret, and deduce, so countless sciences emerged from it .. including the sciences of Qur’an, where they were established to preserve and maintain it. And God decreed for his noble book the imams who were skilled in reading and adjusting until they became among the reciters to whom he migrated and taken from them, and among those imams who had great care in the knowledge, control and narration of the readings, Imam Abu Ishaq al-Tha`labi - may God have mercy on him - who died in the year twenty-seven and four hundred From the Prophet's migration, he shone and spread his fame in the science of readings until he was an imam in this science until Ibn al-Jazri - may God have mercy on him - said about him in Tabaqat al-Qur'aan (1/100): “A brilliant and famous imam.” Narrated by his one-student recitation and those who translated for him described him as a reciter Hence the importance of this topic: Imam al-Tha'labi’s efforts and his concern for the readings through his interpretation of “Disclosure and elucidation on the interpretation of the Qur’an” an applied study. This is to uncover a great imam in the readings and explain his approach to that and the extent of his steadfast footing in this field I also wanted to draw attention to the fact that al-Tha`labi’s interpretation of “To reveal and clarify the interpretation of the Qur’an” contained a huge number of readings, so that it became an important source of readings for the commentators and students of knowledge who came after him. This research has been divided into an introduction, introduction and two articles, and each topic includes several demands and a conclusion. As for the introduction, it showed: the importance of the topic and the research plan. As for the introduction, I mentioned a brief summary of the science of recitation and its importance. As for the first topic, it is entitled "Introducing Imam Al-Tha'labi." This, I was keen to shed light on the efforts of an imam who is skilled in the science of readings and his interest in that, namely Imam Al-Tha'labi - may God have mercy on him - through his interpretation of "disclosure and explanation of the interpretation of the Qur’an" and stressing the importance of this interpretation as a source of readings and guidance.

ISSN: 2636-2554

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