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In this paper I dealt with the definition of shame (Pudor), and how shame has its presence in all aspects of life and its activities, and that shame has two sides, one psychological and the other societal, and the role that shame plays in shaping human behavior, and I presented various examples of the types of situations in which shame comes from literary sources Greek in Homer's Iliad and Euripides' theater, Latin from Trentius' theater, Seneca's theater, the Aeneid by Virgilius, and Cicero's sermons. The Roman Elegian poets also used the "Pudor" in their poems, as they did not attach shame to the traditional matters addressed by other poets, such as fleeing from war or other matters that detract from the owner's destiny, but rather the opposite, glory is to them in being accompanied by their mistresses, As for their shame, it is in anything that detracts from the value of their relationships with their girlfriends or the loss of their female companions at the hands of their competitors.