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أداء التجارة بين مصر ومنطقة التجارة الحرة العربية الكبرى وكفاءتها وأهم المتغيرات الاقتصادية المؤثرة عليها

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Performance of Trade between Egypt and the Great Arab Free Trade Area, Its Efficiency and Most Important Economic Variables Affecting Them
المصدر: مجلة الاقتصاد الزراعي والعلوم الاجتماعية
الناشر: جامعة المنصورة - كلية الزراعة
المؤلف الرئيسي: سليمان، سرحان أحمد عبداللطيف (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Soliman, Sarhan A. A.
المجلد/العدد: مج6, ع12
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2015
الشهر: ديسمبر
الصفحات: 2073 - 2095
DOI: 10.21608/JAESS.2015.41803
ISSN: 2090-3634
رقم MD: 1228008
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink
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المستخلص: إدراكا لأهمية التجارة الدولية فقد انضمت مصر الى العديد من الاتفاقيات التجارية الثنائية والمتعددة لمواكبة التطورات العالمية والاستفادة من مزاياها، وتجنب بعض المظاهر السلبية لها، وتعتبر منطقة التجارة الحرة العربية الكبرى والمعروفة اختصاراً باسم "جافتا "Great Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) أهم الاتفاقيات التجارية التي تهدف الى تشجيع التجارة الخارجية بين الدول العربية وكانت مصر من أولى الدول انضماماً للمنطقة والتوقيع على الاتفاقية الخاصة بها، غير أن المتتبع لتطور التجارة بين مصر والمنطقة يلمس تضاؤلها وانها لم تنم بالقدر المأمول. فقد تبين من النتائج البحثية تزايد قيمة التجارة بين مصر والمنطقة سنوياً بنحو ١٧٪، حيث زادت الصادرات المصرية الى المنطقة سنوياً بنحو 18.95%، وزادت قيمة الواردات المصرية من المنطقة بنحو 15.1%. وقد بلغت نسبة قيمة التجارة المصرية مع المنطقة في إجمالي قيمة التجارة المصرية نحو 22.91% في عام ٢٠١٣، وقدرت نسبة قيمة التجارة المصرية مع المنطقة في قيمة الناتج المحلى الإجمالي المصري بحوالي 4.88%. وأن معدل النمو السنوي للتجارة الكلية المصرية مع المنطقة بلغ نحو 17%. وقد بلغ المؤشر العام لدرجة الاستقرار الاقتصادي للتجارة المصرية مع المنطقة حوالي 13.5%. وأثرت الاتفاقية ايجابياً على التجارة بين مصر والمنطقة حيث ارتفع معدل نمو التجارة المصرية مع المنطقة بنحو 24.08%، وزادت درجة الاستقرار الاقتصادي للتجارة المصرية مع المنطقة بنحو 99.9%، وارتفعت درجة الارتباط بين الصادرات والواردات المصرية مع المنطقة بنحو حيث بلغ قيمة معامل الارتباط في الفترة السابقة لتنفيذ الاتفاقية نحو 0.62، ارتفع إلى نحو 0.86 في فترة تنفيذ الاتفاقية. ولم تتأثر قيمة التجارة المصرية مع المنطقة سلباً بالتطورات الإقليمية الراهنة وتبين أن التجارة الكلية بين مصر المنطقة تتحدد بصفة رئيسية بالناتج المحلى الإجمالي المصري، وسعر النفط العالمي، وعدد سكان المنطقة، ومتوسط أسعار المستهلكين في مصر، والصادرات الكلية المصرية الى العالم، والصادرات الكلية للمنطقة الى العالم، ومن هنا تكمن أهمية هذا البحث في الوقوف على أهم تلك العوامل وتأثيرها، مما سيكون له أهمية في تحديد الأساليب والآليات التي يمكن اتباعها للتغلب على أهم المعوقات والمشاكل التي تحول دون زيادة التجارة البينية المصرية العربية.

This research aims to study the current status of trade between Egypt and the Arab Free Trade Area, its efficiency and the most important domestic and foreign economic variables affecting them during the period (2013 2000). adopted the research method descriptive research and quantitative. The most important research results as follow as: trade increased between Egypt and the region annually by approximately 17%. with overall exports increased to region annually by about 18.95% and imports increased from region by about 15.1%. Period (2009-2011) in addition to 2013 Egyptian trade balance surplus with the region while Egyptian trade balance suffered a deficit with the region in the rest of the year. the deficit decreased annually by about 278.3%. the ratio of total intra- trade volume with the region to the total foreign trade Egyptian about to 22.91% in 2013, an increase of about 0.67% in 2012, and an annual average of about 15.42%. the estimated value of the total foreign trade with the region to the Egyptian gross domestic product (GDP) of about 4.88%. As the share of total exports to the region to the Egyptian gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to about 2.14%, while the share of total imports from the region to the Egyptian gross domestic product (GDP) was about 2.65% and found that the annual growth rate of total trade with the region amounted to about 17%. For exports of around 18.95%. And imports reached to 15.11%. The general index has reached a degree of economic stability of the total intra-trade with area of about 13.5%, and exports about 23.99%. as well as imports of about 17.28%, with a strong link between the imports and exports between Egypt and the region, where the value of the correlation coefficient of about 0.93. In the period of implementation of the Convention have improved overall trade value by approximately 3424.89%, and exports about 587.5%, and imports by about 336.05%. The relative importance of improved overall trade with the region for total trade to around 8.2%. the average rate of growth in total trade with the region around 24.08%. increased degree of economic stability for Commerce College with the region around 99.9% and exports by around 106.5% and imports by about 82.5%. Correlation between the increased imports and intra- exports with the area where the value of the correlation coefficient in the run-up to the implementation of the Convention towards 0.62, rose to about 0.86 in the period of implementation of the Convention. Not affected by the value of trade with the region adversely affected by the current regional developments where improved towards 31.15% and exports by about 20.63%, imports by about 0.52 percent. while the economy's dependence on trade with the area generally affected by lower relative importance to total exports of Egypt to Egyptian GDP by about 0.74%, despite high relative importance to total imports from the region in the Egyptian gross domestic product by about 0.65%. And it can be concluded that total trade between Egypt and the Great Arabic free trade Area is determined mainly by the Egyptian gross domestic product, and the price of oil, and the population of the region, average consumer prices in Egypt, Egyptian total world exports, total exports of the region to the world, so that a change in the value of the Egyptian gross domestic product amounted to about 1% leads to a change in the amount of about 0.48% in value of total trade between Egypt and the region and in the same direction. a change in the value of total exports in Egypt with the outside world-the States of the region - amounting to around 1% leads to a change in the amount of approximately 0.79% of total trade between Egypt and the region on the reverse. While a change in the world oil price amounting to around 1% leads to a change in the amount of about 0.48% in value of total trade between Egypt and the region and in the same direction. while a change in the value of total exports of the region to the outside World -Egypt amounting to around 1% leads to a change in the amount of approximately 0.04% of total trade value between Egypt and the region and in the reverse direction. As well as a change in average consumer prices amounted to about 1% of the Egyptian leading to a change in the amount of approximately 0.3% in value of total trade between Egypt and the region, in reverse, as the change in population in major Arabic free trade area amounted to about 1% leads to a change in the amount of about 0.25% in the total value of trade between Egypt and the region and in the same direction. Research recommends several recommendations: 1. coordination between Egypt and Arabic countries in foreign trade, so as to coordinate Egypt with Arabic States of the potential needs of these States of goods and products that Egypt can have comparative and competitive capacities in production, as well as Egypt needs of goods and products that you need and the Arabic States in filling these needs. 2. follow the Egyptian plan for production according to the needs of States in Egyptian commodities and products that can be supplied to these countries and be able to compete with foreign counterparts. 3. attention to studies of external demand and the needs of people in Arabic countries and factors affecting the increase of Egyptian exports, and disseminating this information to be a guide for exporters and producers. 4. create a specialized Egyptian interest in follow-up and revitalization of economic agreements with Arabic countries and work to remove all obstacles and facilitate trade exchange between Egypt and Arabic States.

ISSN: 2090-3634