المستخلص: |
The present thesis aims to identify the features of virtual religiosity among university students through social media as a model. The author adopted the descriptive approach and applied a five-domain questionnaire (demographics- extent of exposure to Facebook- features of the social responsibility features of social media's religious content- extent of using Facebook- scale of social values) to a sample of (356) social media users of Minia University students. The results showed that the item (the participants (always) follow social media) was ranked first. The time of (three hours and more) following the social media content was ranked first. The participants' trust in the religious content of social media (moderate level) was ranked first. Concerning the ways of interacting with posts of religious participation, (just view) was ranked first. The features of virtual religiosity through social media ranged 74.4%:80%. Additionally, the percentages of measuring There was a statistically significant positive correlation between virtual religiosity through social media of university students. However, there was no statistically significant positive correlation between the ratio of following social media and trust in their religious content among the participants. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the trust in the religious content of social media and the participants' interaction. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the features of social responsibility of social media content. There were statistically insignificant differences in the rate of following social media according to (gender and residence) among the participants. Moreover, there were statistically insignificant differences in the features of virtual religiosity through social media according to (gender and residence) among the participants. There were statistically insignificant differences in the degree of trust in the religious content of social media according to gender among the participants favoring the males. There were statistically insignificant differences in interacting with the religious content through social media according to (gender and residence) among the participants.