المستخلص: |
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسوله، وبعد: فالبحث عبارة عن تحقيق ودراسة لكتاب: تلخيص التحبير في شرح التحرير للمرداوي، لمؤلفه: أحمد بن علي بن زهرة الحنبلي، من قوله: باب: المجمل، إلى نهاية التلخيص، تحقيقا ودراسة. وقسمت البحث إلى قسمين: القسم الأول: القسم الدراسي: وفيه التعريف بالمرداوي، وكتابه التحبير، والتعريف بابن زهرة، وكتابه التلخيص، والقسم الثاني: قسم التحقيق: وفيه وصف المخطوط، ومنهج التحقيق. أما النص المحقق فهو من المجمل إلى نهاية التلخيص، وقد اشتمل على مسائل أصولية متنوعة. هذا وأسأل الله التوفيق والسداد، وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آلة وصحبه.
Praise be to Allaah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, after that: My thesis is an investigation and study to explain Al-Ashmuni on his system in which he organized the collections of Ibn Al-Subki, from the book of consensus to the end of the manuscript. The research includes an introduction and two sections: the Investigation section and the Study Section. In the introduction I mentioned the reasons for choosing the subject, the research plan and previous studies. The study was divided into four chapters. The first chapter dealt briefly with the biography of Ibn Al-Subki and the writing of the collection of the collections. The second chapter dealt briefly with the biography of Al-Ashmouni and organized it to collect the collections. The third chapter dealt with the study of the book of Hama Al-Mu’amma, in which I discussed the author,s approach, sources, disadvantages of the book, concluded with the description of the manuscript, and investigative approach. The investigated text is the book (consensus), the book of measurement, and the book of inference, the book of equivalence and weight, the book of diligence and tradition, dogmatic matters, speech matters, and concluded by principles in in mysticism. I ask Allaah to grant success and peace, may Allah pray our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.