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التماس المعلومات الصحية بأمراض الكبد من وسائل الاتصال الحديثة

العنوان المترجم: Seeking Health Information About Liver Diseases from Modern Means of Communication
المصدر: مجلة كلية التربية
الناشر: جامعة طنطا - كلية التربية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الشريف، رشا محمد عبدالمحسن (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج80, ع4
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2020
الشهر: أكتوبر
الصفحات: 136 - 148
DOI: 10.21608/MKMGT.2020.258460
ISSN: 1110-1237
رقم MD: 1278357
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
رابط المحتوى:
صورة الغلاف QR قانون

عدد مرات التحميل


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المستخلص: The study examined the theory of seeking medical information for liver diseases from medical websites via the Internet, to identify the motives for public seeking medical information for liver diseases. Interpretation of study results A- The study sample seeks health knowledge from modern means of communication in developing health awareness of liver diseases by searching for ways to prevent diseases, and it is clear that modern means of communication have a role in spreading preventive health awareness with their professional methods that attract the recipient and provide him with health information that meets his needs. Of medical knowledge, especially preventive. B- Search engines are considered one of the most important modern means of communication in obtaining health information about liver diseases, followed by YouTube Internet TV, then Internet journalism, then social networks, then Wikipedia, then mobile applications, and finally Internet and forums radio.

ISSN: 1110-1237

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