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|a يتناول البحث حديث الثقلين المتواتر وما يترتب عليه عقيدة وعملا في الفكر الإسلامي في مجال أصول الدين وفروعه، ولعل أهم مشكلات البحث هي بيان المراد بالثقلين ففد وقع الاختلاف في ذلك، وقد انتهى البحث بناء على المنهج التحليلي إلى بيان المراد بهما وفق الأدلة العلمية المستندة إلى القرآن والسنة والعقل، ومع أن المكتبة الإسلامية قد حظت بكم كبير من الدراسات حول هذا الحديث إلا أن هذه الدراسة تناولته من زاوية بيان ما اشترك به الثقلان من ملامح، فتمكنت من رصد ثلاثة منها، هي: الحجية والعصمة والهداية، فتم بيان حجيتهما في النطاقين العقدي والعملي، والعصمة في كلا الثقلين، وكشف النقاب عن نوع هداية كل منهما، فتبين أن هداية القرآن بمعنى إراءة الطريق، وهداية العترة بمعنى الإيصال إلى المطلوب.
|b The research deals with the hadith of the two frequent weights and the consequent doctrine and work in Islamic thought in the field of the origins of religion and its branches, and perhaps the most important problems of the research is the statement of what is meant Al-thaqalan, the difference occurred in that, and the research ended based on the analytical approach to the statement of what is meant by them according to scientific evidence based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and reason, and although the Islamic library has been full of large number of studies on this hadith, but this study dealt with it from the angle of the statement of what was involved It has Al-thaqalan of features, so I was able to monitor three of them, namely: authenticity, infallibility and guidance, so their authenticity was indicated in the doctrinal and practical ranges, and infallibility in both Al-thaqalan, and the type of guidance of each of them was revealed, showing that the guidance of the Qur'an in the sense of showing the way, and the guidance of the House of Prophecy in the sense of delivering to the required of what is meant by them according to scientific evidence based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and reason, and although the Islamic library has been full of large number of studies on this hadith, but this study dealt with it from the angle of the statement of what was involved It has Al thaqalan of features, so I was able to monitor three of them, namely: authenticity, infallibility and guidance, so their authenticity was indicated in the doctrinal and practical ranges, and infallibility in both Al-thaqalan, and the type of guidance of each of them was revealed, showing that the guidance of the Qur'an in the sense of showing the way, and the guidance of the House of Prophecy in the sense of delivering to the required