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|a أبو إدريس الروحاني اليعقوبي هو علم من أعلام (بعقوبا) التي كانت في العصور الإسلامية من أعمال بغداد لأهميتها أصبحت منارا للعلم والعلماء لأنها تقع على طريق بغداد المشرق الإسلامي وهذا الطريق هو طريق الحرير أي الطريق التجاري الذي يربط المشرق بالعالم الإسلامي وغير الإسلامي فضلا عن أنه طريق الحجاج والمعتمرين والتلاميذ والمشايخ الذين يطلبون العلم من علماء مكة والمدينة المنورة وبغداد ودمشق ومصر وشمال أفريقيا، وعلي بن إدريس هذا من بيت النبوة و من أقرب الناس إلى الشيخ عبدالقادر الكيلاني ولشهرته الواسعة تم دراسته تاريخيا إذ تضمن البحث على اسمه وكنيته ولقبه ونسبه ومولده؛ وأسرته وصلته بشيخه عبدالقادر الكيلاني وتعليمه ومشايخه وتلاميذه وأقواله ومراسلاته مع العلماء الأخرين وأقوال الأخرين فيه وتراثه الشعري وفي النهاية وفاته رحمه الله سنة ٦١٩ه.
|b Abo-idris,ali ibn ldris al-rouhani al-ba’qoubi (d-h619)- a historical study. Abu-ldris al-rouhani alba’qoubi is on of eminent higures of (ba’qoubah) which used to be one of ba’qhdads deeds in the islamic ages. Due to its important, it became an illumination Centre of scholars and jurist. This is because it is located on the route between baghdad and the islamic east. This, in fact, is what is referred to as the trade route connecting the east with the islamic world. Besides, it is the pilgraims rout aswellas its being the route of those heading for umra, the students and the sheikhs all those who seek knowledge at the hands of the scholars of mecca, madina, baghdad,damascus,egypt and north Africa took this strategic route to go to these centers of knowledge. ali ibn-idris is from the prophetic family and one who is closest to the sheikh abdel-qadir al.qailane. due to his well-known reputation, he is being investigated-explored and studied historically the study has tackled his name, surname, hickname, lineage, family, and his knowledge to sheikh al-qailoni. In addition, his statements, correspondence with other scholars, and what others had said about him- even his poetic heritage has been shed light upon.in condusion, his death has bear mentionel. He died in the year 619 of Hijra.