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|a قد تبين من خلال بحثي رجوع ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن القول بأن عدة الحامل أبعد الأجلين إلى موافقة جمهور الفقهاء مطلقة كانت، أو متوفى عنها زوجها وضع ما في بطنها أمة كانت أو حرة، أو مسلمة، أو ذمية، وأنه وضع الحمل ولو عقب وفاة زوجها بساعة، لذلك استهدف البحث تحديد واقع حكم عدة الحامل أقصى الأجلين عند مذهب ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما، مبتدأ بسرد حياته الشخصية وجهوده العلمية، وبيان رأيه في الحكم عدة الحامل، فكان يرى أن تعتد بأقصى الأجلين، ثم بأن لنا أنه قد رجع عن هذا القول على ما سيأتي بيانه بموجب الأدلة التي وصلتني، وثبته في هذا البحث، وكما هو رأي المذاهب الأربعة وجمهور السلف الصالح رضي الله عنهم وعنا ببركاتهم أجمعين.
|b It has become clear through our research that Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, returned from the statement that the waiting period for a pregnant woman is beyond the two terms to the approval of the majority of jurists, whether she is divorced, or her husband has passed away; He placed what was in her womb, whether she was a female or free woman, or a Muslim, or a dhimmi, and that she gave birth, even if an hour after the death of her husband, so the research aimed to determine the reality of the ruling on the waiting period of a pregnant woman, the maximum of the two terms according to the doctrine of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, beginning with a narration of his scientific efforts, and a statement of his opinion In the ruling there is a waiting period for the pregnant woman, so he considered that she should observe the waiting period with the maximum of the two terms, then it became clear to us that he had retracted this saying based on what will be explained, according to the evidence that we have received and confirmed in this research, and as is the opinion of the four schools of thought, and the majority of the righteous predecessors, may God be pleased with them and us with their blessings wholes.