المستخلص: |
يرد هذا البحث على المستشرقين الذين يرون أن كتاب التاريخ الكبير للبخاري هو دراسة للأسانيد فقط، وليس فيه نقد متون، وفيه إثبات أن للتاريخ الكبير للبخاري منهجية في نقد المتون أثرت في منهجيته في صحيحه. وأن البخاري كان مستقل الفكر ولم يتأثر بالصراع الأموي- العباسي في نقد أية رواية في صحيحه.
The relationship between the method of AL Bukhaari in his book "AL Tarikh AL Kabeer" and his book" sahih AL BuKhaari" (Sound Ahadiths) Denied Texts (denounced Hadith) as Model. This research discussed the opinion of orientalists who said: "The efforts of AL BuKhaari in critizizing narratives are belonging to Isnad (Chain of narrators) criticizing not Text Criticizing. This research proved that the Method of AL Bukhaari in his book "AL Tarikh AL-Kabeer" affected in his Method in his Method in his Sahih (sound Ahadiths) through criticizing Texts. AL BuKhaari has independent opinion and was not affected by the srtruggles between Umayyads- Abbasids in Criticizing narratives.