المستخلص: |
الانتحار كظاهرة وجدت منذ القدم يعد من أخطر المشاكل التي تهدد المجتمعات، فبجانب كونه مخالفا للشرائع السماوية لاعتباره يئس وقنوط من رحمة المولي عز وجل، يؤدي أيضا بانتشاره إلى إصابة المجتمعات بالتفكك والتدهور، ورغم خطورة ذلك إلا إننا وجدنا توجهات مشرعي الدول في مدي تجريمها أو إباحتها لفعل الانتحار والشروع فيه اختلفت منذ القدم، حيث أباح البعض منها الانتحار والشروع فيه لأسباب مختلفة منها وحدة شخص الجاني والمجني عليه وعدم وجود مصلحة من مسألة التجريم، والبعض الآخر من التشريعات جرمه ووضع له عقاب، وتوجه ثالث جرم فعل الشروع غير أنه قرر علاج الجاني وإصلاحه بدلا من عقابه، وفي بحثنا هذا سنتناول مفهوم الانتحار وأسبابه وموقف التشريعات الوضعية والسماوية والفلاسفة منه لأجل التوصل لمجموعة من التوصيات تساهم في وضع حلول للحد من هذه الظاهرة، متبعين في ذلك المنهج التأصيلي والتحليلي، وذلك في أربعة مباحث يسبقهما مطلب تمهيدي.
Suicide as a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times is considered one of the most serious problems that threaten societies. In addition to being contrary to heavenly laws, as it is considered to be despair and despair of the mercy of the Almighty, it also leads to its spread to societies disintegration and deterioration. The act of committing suicide and attempting it have differed since ancient times, as some permitted suicide and attempted suicide for various reasons, including the unity of the person of the perpetrator and the victim and the lack of interest in the issue of criminalization, and others from legislation criminalized him and Suicide as a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times is considered one of the most serious problems that threaten societies. In addition to being contrary to heavenly laws, as it is considered to be despair and despair of the mercy of the Almighty, it also leads to its spread to societies disintegration and deterioration. The act of committing suicide and attempting it have differed since ancient times, as some permitted suicide and attempted suicide for various reasons, including the unity of the person of the perpetrator and the victim and the lack of interest in the issue of criminalization, and others from legislation criminalized him and set a punishment for him, and a third directed the act of attempted crime, but he decided to treat the perpetrator and reform him Instead of punishing it, and in this research we will discuss the concept of suicide, its causes, and the position of positive and heavenly legislation and philosophers towards it, in order to reach a set of recommendations that contribute to developing solutions to reduce this phenomenon, following the fundamental and analytical approach in that, in four topics preceded by an introductory requirement.