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برنامج مقترح من منظور الممارسة العامة في الخدمة الاجتماعية للتخفيف من المشكلات الاجتماعية على مرضى الفشل الكلوي: دراسة مطبقة على مرضى الكلى بمستشفى القوات المسلحة بالرياض

المصدر: المجلة العربية للنشر العلمي
الناشر: مركز البحث وتطوير الموارد البشرية - رماح
المؤلف الرئيسي: القحطاني، مشاعل شائع (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: صالح، أسماء أبو بكر عبدالقادر (مشرف)
المجلد/العدد: ع6
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الأردن
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
الشهر: أبريل
الصفحات: 1 - 23
ISSN: 2663-5798
رقم MD: 1435994
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch, HumanIndex
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المستخلص: مقدمة: بعد مرض الفشل الكلوي من الأمراض ذات الأثر الجسمي والاجتماعي والنفسي والتي تؤثر ليس فقط على المريض وإنما على جميع المحيطين به وخاصة أسرته ويتسم هذا المرض بأنه يحتاج إلى وقت طويل ليتم علاجه والتكيف معه ويعتبر المجال الطبي أحد المجالات مهنة الخدمة الاجتماعية والتي تهدف من خلال التدخل المهني للأخصائي الاجتماعي إلى التخفيف من حدة المشكلات المترتبة على الإصابة بالمرض ومساعدة المريض على الاستفادة من الفرص العلاجية إلى أقصى حد ممكن.

Introduction: The disease of kidney failure was one the diseases that had effect on the body and had social and physiological effects which not only effect the patient but also all surround the patient specially his family as this diseases need more time to take his treatment and adapt with it. The medical field was one of the fields in the position of social services which aim from the intervention professional for the social specialist to decrease from the problems which depend on the injury with diseases and assist the patient to benefit from the medical chances to great thing The problems of the study: The current study answered on the following question: What are the suggested program from the prospective of the general practice in social services to decrease the social problems to the patients of kidney failure? Questions of the study: 1- What are the social characteristics for the patient of kidney failure? 2- What are the most important social problems, which comes from injury of kidney diseases? 3- What are the greatest roles of the social specialist with diseases of kidney failure? 4- What are the suggested programs from the prospective of general practice in social services to decrease from the social problems on the patient of kidney failure? Concepts of the study: The study discuses groups of prospective concepts and it was: 1- Concepts of kidney failure 2- Concepts 3- Concepts of social services 4- Concepts of social problems Methods procedures of the study: 1- Type of the study: this study belong to the analysis descriptive studies 2- Methods of the study: the method of social server in the full perspective and survey with the sample 3- Tools of the study: the study depend on the following tools in all data - Survey which applicant on the diseases of kidney failure - Survey of practice for the social specialist - Notice Fields of the study:

Location field: Hospital of Armed Forces in Riyadh Human field: patients of kidney failure and there no (72 patients_ Time field: from 1/8/1431H to 15/5/1432H Results of the study: 1- Represent number of non working of patients from the study sample with percentage 70% from the full sample 2- The study shows that the 60% from patients answered with yes and they suffer from difficult of perform the social performance after injury with the diseases which represent in practice life in an natural way though tear from the past 3- One of the most important problems which suffer from it the patients of kidney failure are not knowing the works for the healthy circumstances which lead to leave work as the patient percentage who suffer from the work problems are 615 4- The study shows that 47% from patient suffer from physiological pressures which comes from injury of diseases 5- The percentage of patients shows that they fear and worry from degradation of healthy case with percentage 53% 6- The study shows that the percentage of patients who the social specialist doesn't know them in hospital are 57% 7- The percentage of patient who confirm their desire in founding the work opportunities which suitable with the healthy status are 60% 8- The study shows that 64% from the society of the study had the desire in establish the special projects which help them to increase the monthly incomes 9- The study shows the relation between the diseases take services and transfers for the charity communities and between the education level which are very good 10- The study shows that there are great relation between the gender of the patients and needs to found job opportunities which are suitable with healthy status.

ISSN: 2663-5798

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