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For centuries, Quintilian (c. 35- 96 CE) has been considered a writer of high standing in both oratory and literary criticism. He is well-known for his work Institutio Oratoria, published c. 95 CE. In the tenth book of this work, Quintilian recorded a list of Greek and Roman writers, who should be read by the would-be orator in order to be qualified in the field of oratory. This list includes Quintilian's classification of the Greek and Roman lyric poets. The present paper intends to investigate Quintilian's aim in this classification, and the connection of his classification with the list of the standard poets classified according to the Alexandrian canon. The present paper also tackles whether Quintilian's classification was arbitrary owing to his exclusion of some standard Greek Lyric poets accredited by the Alexandrian scholars, and his exclusion of the Roman lyric poet Catullus. Accordingly, the paper concludes by evaluating Quintilian's treatment of the lyric poets in an attempt to highlight the value of Quintilian's classification from the viewpoint of both literary criticism and literary history.