المستخلص: |
تستهدف الدراسة تقييم مشروع الخدمات الزراعية بشرق الدلتا من الناحية المالية والاقتصادية، وتقييم آثاره المباشرة وغير المباشرة على القطاع الزراعي باعتباره أحد أهم المشروعات الزراعية الممولة بتمويل أجنبي. وقد تبين من الدراسة أن المشروع نجح في تحقيق العديد من المنافع للقطاع الزراعي، ولكن واجهته العديد من العقبات الداخلية والخارجية التي حالت دون تمامه على النحو المستهدف، فقامت الدراسة باقتراح بعض التوصيات لزيادة قدرة القطاع الزراعي على الاستفادة من التمويل الأجنبي المقدم له.
The study aimed at evaluating Agricultural Services Project in eastern delta financially and economically, and to assess the direct and indirect effects on the agricultural sector as the project is one of the most important foreign-financed agricultural projects. Financial discounted and undiscounted indicators of the project have confirmed that the project is feasible on financial terms, the study also confirmed that the project has succeeded in achieving high added national economic value, also contributed to the achievement of national well-being because of its positive effects on the expansion of existing projects and creating new Front or complementary relations with existing projects. The study showed that the project has a direct and indirect economic and social impacts, and with respect to the direct effects of the project it has led to improve the cultivated area and the use of modern technological applications, also led investment spent on livestock and poultry to a dramatic evolution in their numbers, in addition to the positive effects on the environmental aspects. The indirect effects of the project have been the impact on increasing farm incomes and improving the standard of living in the project area as well as to increase the settlement rate. The study showed that the project faced many internal and external obstacles that have prevented the completeness optimally, and ended to propose a set of recommendations to help the agricultural sector to overcome the shortcomings and increase its ability to attract more foreign funding sources and its ability to exploit in the best way possible, and these recommendations are: • The need for a new macro policies take into account the environmental dimensions and based on the adoption of competitive and technological progress and is keen to push the forces of invention and development of skills and work quality. * Achieve a high degree of political and social stability. * Paying attention to infrastructure in the agriculture sector. * Provide Database for projects that need foreign funding and undergoing serious and in-depth studies before agreeing to any loan or foreign grant and follow up the implementation.