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|a يهدف البحث إلى جمع الشواهد الشعرية من ديوان الحماسة المذكورة في كتب التفسير، ودراستها دراسة تفسيرية، وموازنتها بالأدلة الأخرى، واستنتاج الأثار المترتبة عليها في كل موضع، وينتظم البحث في مقدمة، ومبحث يحتوي على مجموعة من المطالب، وخاتمة، على النحو الآتي: المقدمة فيها ذكر أهمية الموضوع، وأهدافه، وأسباب اختياره، ومشكلة البحث، وحدوده، ثم خطته ومنهجه، والمبحث الأول: أثر الشاهد الشعري في تفسير القرآن الكريم، وفيه الحديث عن: أثر الشواهد الشعرية في بيان غريب القرآن الكريم، وفي إيضاح المعنى الإجمالي للآية، وأثره في توجيه القراءات القرآنية، وفي نسبة اللغات إلى القبائل، وأثره في الجانبي الفقهي واللغوي. الخاتمة: ذكرت فيها أهم النتائج والتوصيات.
|b The research aims to collect poetic evidence from the mentioned Diwan of Al- Hamasah in interpretation books, study it interpretively, balance it with other evidence, and deduce its effects in each context. The research is organized into an introduction, preface, two main sections, a conclusion, and scientific indices as follows: Introduction: This section discusses the importance, objectives, reasons for choosing the topic, research problem, its limitations, objectives, previous studies, outline, and methodology, Preface: It includes a brief biography of the Diwan's author, Abu Tammam Al-Ta'i, in terms of personal and scholarly life. It also provides a translation of his famous Diwan (Diwan Al-Hamasah) and highlights the practical value of the Diwan in interpretation books, First Section - Theoretical Study: This section consists of three sub-sections. The first sub-section defines poetic evidence and its types, covering both linguistic and technical aspects. The second sub-section discusses the historical stance of early scholars regarding citing poetry, focusing on the attitudes of companions and their followers. The third sub-section examines the impact of poetic evidence on Quranic interpretation, addressing its role in explaining Quranic uniqueness, clarifying overall meanings, guiding recitations, associating languages with tribes, and its influence on jurisprudential and linguistic aspects. Second Section - Collection and Study: This section explores a selection of poetic evidence cited by interpreters in their works, highlighting the impact of each piece on the interpretation of the Quran, Conclusion: This section summarizes the most important results and recommendations, Scientific Indices: Includes an index of Quranic verses, prophetic traditions, notable figures, poetic verses, references, and a topic index.