المستخلص: |
يحتوي البحث على مقدمة ومبحثين وخاتمة وفهارس على النحو الآتي: المقدمة وفيها أهمية البحث والدراسات السابقة ومنهج البحث، ويليها المبحث الأول ويتضمن تعريفا بالإمام القرماني بذكر اسمه، ونسبه، ومولده ونشأته، والبيئة التي عاش فيها، ووفاته، وتلاميذه، وشيوخه، ومكانته، وأقوال العلماء فيه، ومؤلفاته. ثم المبحث الثاني: وفيه تعريف بالمصنف، وهو كتاب "تقشير التفسير"، ونسخ المخطوط، ومصادره، ومكانته، ومنهجه فيه. ثم الخاتمة والمصادر والمراجع.
The research contains an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, and indexes as follows: An introduction includes the importance of research, previous studies, and the research methodology, followed by the first section, which includes an introduction to Imam Al-Qarmani by mentioning his name, lineage, birth and upbringing, the environment in which he lived, his death, his students, his sheikhs, his status, the sayings of scholars about him, and his writings. Then the second section: It includes an introduction to the work, which is the book “Qashfir al-Tafsir”, the copying of the manuscript, its sources, its status, and its approach to it. Then the conclusion, sources and references.