المستخلص: |
يدرس هذا البحث (قضية النظم ) في جانبين يكمل احدهما الاخر , يختص الاول بدراسة الجانب النظري لقضية النظم , بينما يختص الثاني بدراسة الجانب التطبيقي لهذه القضية. يضم الجانب الاول اربعة محاور هي :محور الجذور النقدية للنظم والنحو, ومحور بين النظم والنحو , ومحور بين النظم واللغة , ومحور اثر الفن في النفس. لم يتناول النقاد – النظم. بوصفه احد الوان التعبير الادبي بمفهوم جمالي الا من خلال البحث في اعجاز القران الكريم, ولولا دراسة الاعجاز القراني لم نكن قد سمعنا شيئا عن النظم.
This research studies poetizing from two points of view , each completes the other. the first deals with the theoretical aspect of poetizing , while the second was devoted to the applied aspect of this problem. the first aspect implies four topics : one about critical roots of poetizing and grammar the second is between poetizing and grammar , the third is between poetizing and linguistics , and the fourth studied the psychological aspect. Critics did not studies poetizing as one genre of literary expression through aesthetic concept , except some research about holy quran miracle , without whish , we do not show thing about poetizing In fact , there are some efforts by critics who discussed idea of poetizing. this discussion focused on poetizing relation ship with simile , metaphor and figuration Abdul-qahir those efforts and made them harmonious that.they become representing spirit of arbic criticism. research concluded that poet's skill lies in his good use of utterances. It also concluded that secret of genius creative ability , those of psychological diseases.