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Water has a great importance in achieving and developing human living requirments according to the available water rations in their external and internal sources in any area in the world. The world faces challenges as regards water sources and it suffers from water decrease and Pollution that occur in many countries including the study area. In light of this, the researcher has choosen this subject. The researcher tries to investigate and study this problem, so as to achieve water sufficiency in irrigation and in the domestic, industrial, commercial and agricultural uses. Also, the study attempts to show the ideal exploitation of water in away to guarantee applying equilibrium among all the water needs and the requirements of the demographic development in the Middle Euphrates area of Iraq, in away to avoid present and future water shortage. surface water sources of rivers and streams net and internal water in the study area witness swinging and decreasing in drainage rates limited for different uses. This is connected with a natural features that distinguish this area. The most important features are the dry and semi-dry climat ones and the nature of the features of different penetrability soil which are accompanied with great water waste and various problems including the salt problem which decrease the agricultural product and diminish the planted areas and apperance of deserts which hinder the expansion and development in agriculture and crops production specidlly strategic crops agriculture, there for, this study discusses the important aspects to valuate water source that depend on two essential support: First, introduce the detailed study of branching rivers net that flow from Euphrates, wells, and fountain- heads, in the study area for its importance to define its efficiency scope to develop the economic fields , specially the agriculture field which is considered the larger consumer for water sources in the area. Second, the research concentrate on defining water sufficiency and evaluating it according to the scientific basies guarantee efficiency water reaches to the agricultural areas. In the light of the decreaseing arriving water due to the great irrigation projects that are carried out in the neighbouring countries, firsly, and the diminish of the inner water levels, secondly, The study gets to put the necessary plans and solutions to water sources investment for a good exploitation and fined the alternative water sources to cover all present and future needs and that share to develop the agricultural irrigational position that consider a backbone to the general economical activity in the Middle Euphrates area.