المستخلص: |
فقد قمت بتوفيق من الله وفضله بتوثيق سيرة وحياة الحافظ العلامة أبو عروبة الحراني وذكر أبرز شيوخه الذين نهل منهم العلم كذلك قمت بذكر أبرز تلاميذه الذين أخذوا منه العلم وانتشروا في بقاع الأرض من سيرته العلمية من خلال ذكر رحلته في طلب العلم في المدن الإسلامية والتكلم عن العصر الذي عاش فيه اقتصادياً وسياسياً واجتماعياً كذلك ذكرت أبرز مروياته في السيرة والتاريخ وقمت بتوثيقها من أمهات المصادر وأرجو من الله التوفيق.
Praise be to (Allah), the God of all mankind, The almighty God help me in this modest research which focuses on the life and biography of the esteemed scholar (Abu Oruba AL-Harani) and his historical narrations. In this research, I had mentioned his masters (Sheikhs) and students. I also referred to his writings and his trips in looking for knowledge in different cities as well as the opinions of scientists about him. The research also deals with the most important historical events that took place in his age. I had also made mention to his distinctive narrations about the prophet’s biography and Islamic history. Those narrations make historical reference to the most important events in that period. I seek God’s help in this work.