المستخلص: |
لأستاذ الإمام بديع الزمان سعيد ألنورسي رحمه الله أشهر من أن يعرف به، إذ قد تجسد في ذاته جميع ما أطلق عليه من ألفاظ، فهو سعيد اسماً ومعنى، وبديع زمانه جهاداً وتضحية ونور شع في تركيا هي بأمس الحاجة إلى أنوار عقليته الجبارة وتوجيهاته السديدة. وهذا البحث سيحاول أن يكشف النقاب عن أثر سعيد ألنورسي في تفسير القرآن الكريم، فقد تحدث البحث عن نظرة سعيد ألنورسي إلى القرآن، وعن تفسير القرآن الكريم وإعجازه عند ألنورسي، وعن تفسيره المسمى بـ: (إشارات الإعجاز) وعن رسائل النور التي هي تفسر للقران الكريم وعن خصائص رسائل النور وختمت البحث ببيان منهج ألنورسي في تفسير القرآن الكريم. \
Most Merciful. All praises are due to Allah , we praise him ,we seek his help , we seek his forgiveness , and we seek his guidance .We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our souls and the badness of our deeds .For whomever Allah guides , there is none to lead him astray .And for whomever he allows to go astray , there is none to guide him . I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah , for whom there is no partner .And I bear witness that Mohammed is his servant and messenger .The imam Badiuzzaman Said Nurasi (may Allah have mercy on him) is a very famous personality because he deserved all the titles that he was named . He is Said ( happy ) in name and meaning , unique in the jihad and sacrifice . He was a light shined in Turkey when it was in need of such a mentality .This research will try to disclose the effect of Said Nurasi in the interpretation of the holy Quran .This research talked about the viewpoint of Said Nurasi about the holy Quran , and about the miraculous meaning (I'jaz) of the holy Quran specially his interpretation which is called (Isharat al-I;jaz).This research also talked about the (Resai'il al-Nur) which is an interpretation for the holy Quran .Finally , I included the research explaining the way of Said Nurasi in the interpretation of the holy Quran .All praise