المستخلص: |
أن وطننا العربي يواجه تحديات وأزمات تتجلى في مظاهر التشتت والتفكك والإخفاق والانشقاق، ومحاولات الإلحاق والاختراق والاختناق والانسحاق في الجسم العربي الممزق. فما العمل لمواجهة هذه الآفات والمآزق بأبعادها السياسية والاقتصادية والثقافية والأمنية؟ للإجابة عن هذا السؤال علينا أن ندرك ونقتنع بأن أمن كل قطر عربي مرتبط ارتباطا عضويا بالأمن القومي العربي، لأن الأخطار التي تهدد الأقطار العربية واحدة، ولأن مستقبلها أو مصيرها واحد، ولأن الأمن القومي العربي يستمد قوته وأهميته من صفته القومية، ولا سبيل إلى تحقيقه إلا من خلال استراتيجية عربية موحدة تعتمد في المقام الأول على تنمية الإمكانات العربية بما يخدم المصالح العربية داخل حدود آمنة، وتنطلق من قناعة شمولية لمفهوم الأمن، بمعنى أن الأمن لم يعد مقتصرا على الناحية العسكرية، بل يشمل أبعادا أخرى جديدة، سياسية واقتصادية وثقافية.
National security has always been an interest for nations and governments regardless of the size and quality of their power. To achieve any level of security indicates the success of the state's foreign policy as well as the ability of its specialized departments to attain the assigned goals, for the objectives of foreign policy are set according to national security considerations. However, to discuss a "pan-Arab security" is still about something to be sought and struggled for by pioneers of high pan-Arab awareness. The study consists of three main parts. The first one explores the Arab conception of pan-Arab security. The second discusses the reality and challenges of pan-Arab security. The third investigates the ways of countering the internal and external challenges. It is concluded that the Arab World is facing difficulties taking the shape of split and failures in addition to attempts of causing infiltration and oppression in the already disunited Arab entity. In order to solve these problems in their political, economic, cultural and security aspects, we have to realize that every single Arab country's security is very much closely related to pan-Arab security since, first, the dangers threatening the Arab countries are the same. Second, their future and destiny are the same. Third, their security is derived from its pan-Arab feature. Thus, it can only be achieved through a unified Arab strategy relying - in the first place - on the development and employment of the Arab capabilities in a way that serves the interests of the Arabs within safe borders. This should spring from an overall conviction of the concept of security. In other words, security not only involves the military aspect, but also other political, economic and cultural dimensions.