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This paper reviews the determinants of supply and demand for mon- ey in the Algerian economy. In order to reach the main goals of the economic policy, mainly a con- tinuous economic growth, the quantity supplied of money has to be adjusted to the real demand of different economic units. In fact, it is an essential task for the financial authorities to determine, on one hand, the demand level for money of non financial economic units, and, on the other hand, the amount of money that has to be emitted and/or created by the banking system. However, this is a very difficult task to undertake regarding the diversity of the banking system components.
Cette Etude s'interesse aux determinants de l'offre et de la demande de monnaie dan l'eonomie algerienne. La realisation des objectifs de la politique economique, notamment une croissance continue, necessite une gestion des quantites de mon- naie conforme aux demandes des differentes unites economiques. De ce fait, il est essentiel d'une part, de determiner le nivcau de demande de monnaie des unites economiques non financieres et, d'autre part, de maitriser l'emission et/ou la creation de monnaie par le systeme bancaire. Cependant, cette mission est rendue difficile par la diversite des compossantes de ce systeme bancaire.