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الأوامر في سورة الحجرات

المصدر: المجلة العلمية لجامعة الملك فيصل - العلوم الإنسانية والإدارية
الناشر: جامعة الملك فيصل
المؤلف الرئيسي: الشنقيطي، عبدالله بن محمد الأمين (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج 7, ع 1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: السعودية
التاريخ الميلادي: 2006
التاريخ الهجري: 1427
الصفحات: 1 - 43
ISSN: 1319-6944
رقم MD: 28432
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink, HumanIndex
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المستخلص: فإن هذا البحث (الأوامر في سورة الحجرات) يتكون من مقدمة، وتمهيد، وثمانية فصول وخاتمه على النحو التالي: مقدمة فيها أهمية السورة وأشرت فيها إلى أسباب اختيار الموضوع وخطة البحث التي سرت عليها، ثم كان التمهيد في الأمر عند الأصوليين وذكرت تعريفه وحكمه عند تجرده عن القرائن وأنواعه ثم كان الفصل الأول وهو في الأمر بالتقوي وقد عرفت التقوي لغة واصطلاحا وأن الأمر يدور على تجنب المعاصي والحذر من عذاب الله باجتناب نواهيه وامتثال أوامره ثم أمثلة من كلام السلف في ذلك وأشرت إلى معاني التقوي في القرآن ثم جاء المبحث الرابع في صفات المتقين، أما الفصل الثاني فكان في وجوب التثبت في أخبار الفساق وسبب نزول الآية وتعريف الفسق واتصل الكلام إلى تعريف الصحابي وأنهم عدول بحكم الله لهم بذلك. الفصل الثالث وقد ناقشت فيه كون الرسول بين ظهرانيهم وما يحمله ذلك من المنة والفضل وفي المبحث إعراب الآية وربطها بما قبلها ثم أقوال العلماء الآية وأن هذا نبيكم يوحي إلية لو أطاعكم والكلام لخياركم لوقعتم في العنت فكيف بكم اليوم ثم تثبت الآية درجات المعاصي وأنها كفر وكبيرة غير مكفرة وصغيرة. ثم جاء الفصل الرابع وكان في وجوب الإصلاح بين المسلمين وقد بينت الآية طريقته وأنه بعقد الحوار حتى يظهر المحق من المبطل ثم ذكرت الأمور التي تضر بالأخوة ونهت عنا وهي ستة مذكورة بعد الأمر بالصلح وهذا من إعجاز القرآن وحسن أسلوبه، ثم جاء الفصل الخامس وكان بوجوب قتال الفئة الباغية بشروطه وفيه بيان ما يتحقق به البغي. ثم جاء الفصل السادس وهو الأمر بالعدل ثم جاء الفصل السابع وهو في الأمر باجتناب الظن وأن بعضه فيه الإثم ثم جاء الفصل الثامن وهو أمر الأعراب بأن يقولوا إنهم أسلموا ولم يؤمنوا بعد وفي البحث الفرق بين الإسلام والإيمان وسبب نزول الآية وكون إلية عامة يراد بها الخصوص وجاءت الخاتمة وفيها أهم نتائج البحث وهي كالتالي: - بيان حق الله تعالى وما يجب على العبد نحو ربه - وبيان وجوب احترام النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم والتأدب معه - وعتاب من لم يتأدب مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم - ومزية التقوى وصفات أصحابها وما تجلبه من السعادة - وبيان حكم خبر الفاسق وما يجب حياله - وكون رابطة الإسلام فوق رابطة النسب - ووجوب الصلح بين المسلمين - وسد منافذ الطرق التي تفسد تلك الأخوة - ووجوب الأخذ على يد الظالم والنهي عن ظلمه - الناس سواسية أشرفهم أتقاهم - وأن هذه السورة سميت سورة الآداب فقد بين الأدب مع الله ثم الأدب مع رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم الأدب مع المسلمين وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين.

Praise be to Allah, Almighty, May peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, his family, companions and those who follow his Tradition. This study deals with (the Comnands in Suratul Hujurat XLIX) in the Noble Quran and consists of introduction, prelusion, eight chapters and conclusion as follows The introduction dealt with the importance of the Surah and that it is the Surah of Islamic manners. I have mentioned the reasons of choosing such subject and the study scheme I followed. The prelusion dealt with the Divine command according to the Scholars of principles of jurisprudence. Its definition, its types, whether it is on immnediacy or by indolence, examples of Divine comnands, and that the Divine command would return to its prior status after prohibition. The first chapter dealt with the devotion, its definition, as well as the linguistic and legal concept of devotion and that the command is counted on avoiding sins and taking care of Allah’s punishment through avoiding His prohibitions and obeying His commands. Examples of the worthy ancestors’ traditions have been included. I have also included the meanings of devotion in the Noble Quran. The forth unit of the first chapter has dealt with the characteristics of the pious believers. The second chapter dealt with the obligatory act that should be regarded towards the scrutiny of transgressors’ issues. The descent reasons of this verse. The legal definition of transgression. The definition of a Prophet’s companion has also been discussed and that all the prophet’s companions are honorable, as Allah, the Almighty, has judged them. The third chapter dealt with the reality that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was living among them the matter that means grace and privilege to them. The chapter also dealt with the grammatical analysis of the verse and its unity with pervious verses. The scholars’ opinions on the verse. In addition, that if this prophet of yours obeys you - the speech was addressed to the most noble people of you- you would be committed practicing sins then. So, how the situation would be in present. The verse then proves sins’ levels and that they are the disbelief, the biggest sin that not leading to disbelief, and the venial sin. The forth chapter dealt with the obligatory act that should be taken to settle restoration among Muslims. The way of such restoration has been shown in the verse through holding dialogues until the right opinion appeared. The six issues that would be badly effect the brotherhood in Islam have been discussed in the verse and that they should be avoided. Such description shows the Miracle of the Noble Quran and its unique style. The fifth chapter dealt with the obligatory act of fighting that should be taken against the outrageous group. The scrutiny conditions of outrage have been also discussed in the chapter. The sixth chapter dealt with the obligatory Divine command of regarding fair judgment. The seventh chapter dealt with the Divine command of avoiding suspicion and that some cases of suspicion are leading to sins. The eighth chapter dealt with the Divine command that addressed to Normans to consider themselves Muslims, as they were not been believers yet. The chapter also dealt with the difference between Islam and Iman (Belief). The descent reasons of this verse and that this verse is a general meant to restriction. The conclusion of the study has included the main following findings: - Clarifying the Right of Allah, the Almighty and those obligatory acts that should considered by a Muslims towards Him. - Clarifying the obligation of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) respectfulness and that a Muslim should behave politely towards him. - The punishment that would be taken against a Muslim who does not behave politely towards Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). - The merit of devotion, the characteristics of pious believers and the happiness resulted by devotion. - Clarifying the fair judgment of a transgressor and those measurements should take against him. - The reality that the liaison of Islam is stronger than the liaison of kinship. - The obligation of restoration between Muslims. - Eliminating the reasons that badly effect on the Islamic brotherhood. - The obligation of implementing punishment on a transgressor and stopping him from committing transgression. - The reality that people are equal and the most noble of them are the most pious of them. - This Surah is titled by the Surah of Islamic manners; as it shows the politeness and respectfulness that should be regarded towards the Almighty Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), and among Muslims. - This Surah has shown the Divine command of obligation to settle restoration among Muslims and to eliminate the reasons that could badly effect on the solidarity of Muslims brotherhood. - This Surah has proven that the most generous people are the most pious ones. - Finally, I ask the Almighty, Allah to forgive us, not to torture us and to accept from us our best deeds and that our last prayer is that Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.

ISSN: 1319-6944

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