المستخلص: |
تعالج هذه الدراسة قضية العفو عن الأنبياء في القرآن الكريم، بإحصاء الآيات المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع التي تدل في ظاهرها على مخالفات وقعت من الأنبياء عليهم السلام، فأحيطت بعفو الله ومغفرته، وهذه الآيات ترتبط بثمانية منهم وهم: أدم، ونوح، وإبراهيم، وموسى، ويونس، وداود وسليمان، ومحمد، صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين، وقد تبين لي بعد دراستها وإمعان النظر فيها، واستجلاء حقيقة هذا العفو الإلهي بأنه لا يتنافى مع عصمة الأنبياء ونزاهتهم وبراءتهم من المعاصي والآثام.
The present paper is an attempt to research God’s forgiveness of eight of His prophets as indicated in the Holy Qu’ran. The research has been conducted by counting the number of the verses concerned, which literally refer to the mistakes made by those prophets (pbut). These mistakes, however, were completely forgiven by God. The prophets to whom these verses refer are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Solomon, and Muhammad (may the blessings of Allah be upon them all). By studying this issue of Heavenly forgiveness exhaustively and exploring further the essence of the Heavenly forgiveness for those prophets, I have reached the conclusion that the Heavenly forgiveness for those prophets does not seem to preclude the fact that they were far from being wrongdoers.