المستخلص: |
يعد اهتمام المرأة بأنوثتها وبجمالها ومظهرها أمرا فطريا فـي تكوينهـا الشخـصي الأنثوي منذ الخليقة . فليس غريبا بل من المنطقي ان نعرف مدى اهتمام الملكات الآشوريات بجمالهن و أنوثتهن مثل الاهتمام بشعرهن ومحاولة تصفيفه وقصه وصـبغه كجانـب مـن جمالهن . وليس هذا فقط انما الغاية الأساسية هي إثارة الملك زوجها وجذبه نحوها وإغرائه والحفاظ عليه كزوج بشتى الوسائل ومنها الاهتمام بنظافتهم ونظـارتهن وإظهـار جمـالهن بمساعدة مساحيق التجميل والتعطر والاهتمام بملابسهن ، بل وحتى الملابس الداخلية كوسيلة جنسية واغرائية ، وذلك بفطرة المرأة وطبيعتها الأنثوية .
Since the beginning of life , women's care for their beauty, femininity and appearance has been instinctual in their feminine character . It is not strange yet quite logical to know to what extent Asserian queens cared for their beauty and femininity such as taking care of their hair , trimming it down and dyeing it in order to show how beautiful they were . However , the main objective was to arouse their husband – the king , attract his attention and entice him to keep him as a husband by all possible means such as caring for their cleanness , attractiveness and slowing their fairness by using make – up , perfume and by taking good care not only of their clothes , but also of their lingerie as a sexual and seductive means ; a woman does that by instinct clue to her feminine nature .