المستخلص: |
حاول الباحث في دراسته هذه الوصول إلى بعض القوانين والضوابط التي حكمت النادر عند النحاة، وطرح مجموعة تساؤلات منها: ما النادر؟ وما أشكاله في الصوت والصرف والنحو؟ وما السبب وراء وجوده؟ وما الأحكام النحوية التي اعتمد فيها على النادر؟ وهل النادر مطرد عند جميع النحاة؟ أم أن ما يكون نادراً عند أحدهم لا يعد نادراً عند غيره؟ وعزز الإجابة عن هذه التساؤلات بنصوص النحويين، وقد استعان كذلك بالمعاجم اللغوية ومن أبرزها لسان العرب. سائلاً الله عز وجل التوفيق والسداد.
The present study does not only sketch in grammatical phenomena which were explained by a host of Arab grammarians as syntactic rarities, but it also attempts to devise some rules in order to clarify such rarities. Additionally, the study elaborates the way they manipulate phonetical, morphological and grammatical aspects. However, it is too difficult to cite a comprehensive list of syntactic rarities described by those great grammarians. In general, the study poses the following questions, what is meant by rare syntactic structures? What are the forms of these rarities in phonology, morphology and grammar? Why did they exist? Arab grammarians seldom quote the dialects of certain Arab tribes, that is to say, they didn't cite any of their colloquial speech. It was rare to find a large number of citations in a certain syntactic category more than the other. Then, what are the bases the grammarians relied on? What grammatical criteria are used to assess syntactic rarities? Are syntactic rarities the same among all grammarians? Or can one syntactic rarity be rare for one grammarian and not for another? The researcher divides his into. Preface, three researcher topics with a conclusion and finally a list with references and bibliography