المستخلص: |
The reality of international interventions indicates into two phases or two historic, first phase included the two major patterns which are: the first is the offensive interv ene , which refers to the intervention of countries in order to expand its influence, which is merely a form of direct colonialism, and the second pattern is the defense interfering where the states defend their security. So the internal conflict may be the base for a threat to the security and interests of the intervening State, and can be included in this type of intervention which has been termed as preventive interventions, carried out by States to prevent the threat expected by the target country, U.S. interventions in some countries after the events of September 11, 2001 can be described under this frame work. The second phase witnessed a new type ,which has been termed humanitarian intervention, that term carries within it the meaning of intervene in order to provide humanitarian assistance in the event of a disaster, and the role of States and international organizations,governmental and non-governmental organizations in this regard, as well as humanitarian interv entions, which were covered with military cover in order to protect human rights. \