المستخلص: |
أن مسألة البراءة الشرعية تدخل في صميم الدراسات الأصولية وأن لها أهمية خاصة في المجال الفقهي وتحديد الوظيفة الفعلية للمجتهد حالة فقده للدليل على الحكم الخاص وأنها مبدأ أساس اعتمدته الشريعة الإسلامية في كثير من القضايا والأحكام. وأن أصل البراءة يختلف عن أصل الإباحة في الطريق والوسيلة إلا أنهما يتفقان في نفس النتيجة التي يؤدي إليها الأخر وهي جواز الفعل والترك. وأن للبراءة الشرعية تطبيقات واسعة في الفقه الإسلامي.
The legal Exemption occupied the heart of the Usuli studies, it has a special importance in the jurisprudential field to define the Mujtahed real function if he lost the evidence of the special judgment, in many cases and judgments the Islamic Shari ‘a depends on the legal Exemption. The exemption origin differs from permission origin in means and method within the practical principles to prepare the jurisprudential rules, the legalists had used it in different aspects of the positive laws, civil and criminal, which is the legal exemption with which the researcher deals within a practical origin conception and it’s different stages till the current defined phase. The first topic exhibits the definitions of exemption in language and tradition as well as the exemption types, the differences between the legal exemption and the principle of exemption and the legal exemption and permission. In the second topic the researcher studies the arguments upon the legal exemption and its evidence showing the evidences of most of the Usulis who proved it as well as these of the Akhbaris who believed in details, it also refers to the Usulis ideas that refute the Akhbaris opinion. The applications of the legal exemption in the Islamic jurisprudence are studied in i 1- The narrations of the Imams (p.U.Th) which includes the applications of these principles. 2- The experts (faqheh) inductions of the exemption principle in their jurisprudential questions.